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Democracy on Trial in Turkey While Cameron, Miliband Look The Other

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  • Democracy on Trial in Turkey While Cameron, Miliband Look The Other

    Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Raqgip Zarakolu On Trial In Turkey Today
    ` July 4, 2012

    Ragip Zarakolu
    On the 2nd July at Silvri, Turkey the trial of Ragip Zarakolu,
    publisher, editor, human rights activist and defender of free speech,
    begins. Ragıp is director of the Belge Publishing House, which has
    been repeatedly bombed, prosecuted and penalised numerous times for
    simply publishing books otherwise not available in Turkey.
    He was arrested in Istanbul on the 28th october 2011 with the
    sociologist Busra Ersanli, and both were charged on 1st November 2011
    with belonging to an armed terrorrist organisation and held in a
    high-sercurity prison. Ragıp Zarakolu has been on bail since 10 april
    Founder of the Turkish Human Rights Association [IHD], Ragıp Zarakolu
    is pioneer of a courageous work in Turkey in publishing real history
    rather than official racist-nationalist-Turkish history, particularly
    in connection with the Armenian Genocide and the Kurdish struggle. We
    maintain that this is the reason for his repeated persecution and this
    particular trial.
    As the writer and journalist Erol Ã-zkoray has said `The trial is a
    symbol for democracy, liberty of thought, and free speech. In the
    imprisonnant, it is the demoratic future of the country which is at
    risk but also an entire intelligentsia and also all the intellectuals
    opposed to the government'.
    Abusive use of the anti-terrorist law and the capaign of répression
    begun in 2009 under the name of sous le nom d' « opérations KCK »
    allows the Turkish State to muzzle those who fight peacefully for the
    rights of Kurds for the official recognition of the Armenian
    Genocideor for those who denounce the pressure of the Muslim
    Brotherhood of Fethullah Gülen on the AKP governement .
    The UK goernment portrays Turkey as a model of democracy for the Arab
    world. According to the International Press Institute,(IPI) however.
    Turkey is the world's largest prison of opinion even worse than China
    and Iran . Journalists, solicitprs, trade unionists, MPs, mayors,
    students, academics: thousands of political prisoners await the
    Turkish Spring in prison
    The lawyers of Ragıp Zarakolu hope that international pressure may
    result in the release of the publisher and the other imprisoned
    intellectuals ` including his son Deniz, and BüÅ?ra Ersanlı ` jugés
    lundi pour « terrorisme » :
    The Public prosecutor of Istanbul, Adnan Çimen, has asked for a 7.5 to
    15 years imprisonment for Ragıp Zarakolu and 15 to 22.5 years
    imprisonment for BüÅ?ra Ersanlı.
    « We must absolutely save this peaceful and humanistic man. He is a
    `Great man', rare amongst us, who we must protect, and we are obliged
    to save him, so that we can build a strong friendship between the
    Armenian and Turkish peoples a friendship symbolized by Ragip since a
    quarter of a century' said Erol Ozjoray,
    . Practical infos: Several Foreign Institutions are expected at the
    trial. A Press Conference will be held at 4 p.m. at the Journalist
    Centre,Gazeteciler Cemiyeti), Cagaloglu, Istanbul
    Contact Ragip Zarakolu : [email protected]
    Place of the trial : Campus de Silivri ` Silivri ` Turkey: Silivri is
    67 km west of à l'ouest Istanbul
    Lawyers Mme Sennur Baybuga : 0212 351 89 25 `
    [email protected] , M. Osman Ergin: 0532 247 64 95 ,M. Ozcan
    Kilic: 0533 340 43 62 ,Fikret Ilkiz ` [email protected]
    * We call on your assistance to hand leaflets to MPs at Westminster
    Tube station near BIg Ben on this Monday evening from 5 p.m.
    (Details from 07718982732)
