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Davutoglu announced Turkey lifts all sanctions against France

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  • Davutoglu announced Turkey lifts all sanctions against France

    Davutoglu announced Turkey lifts all sanctions against France
    19:05 . 05/07

    Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu, who is in Paris to take part in the
    meeting of Friends of Syria Group scheduled to take place in France
    tomorrow, has announced Turkey lifts all sanctions adopted previously
    against France.

    Davutoglu has recalled Turkey adopted the sanctions during the
    presidency of the ex-French president Nikolas Sarkozy connected with
    the 1915 events (discussion over the Armenian Genocide denial
    criminalization bill at the French parliament). reports citing Turkish sources Davutoglu has added if France
    wishes to have its contribution in the process of settling the
    Armenian issue, they are ready to work jointly.

    To recall, Davutoglu was to meet French FM Laurent Fabius in Paris
    today. But the Turkish media don't mention if the meeting has taken
    place or not. Turkey wishes to restore its relations with France by
    all means.

    By lifting the so-called sanctions against France, Turkey wishes to
    gain France's favour and to keep the newly elected president Francois
    Hollande back from the promises given during the election campaign
    concerning the Armenian Genocide- adoption of a law criminalizing the
    denial of the Armenian Genocide, opening of a museum of Armenian
    Genocide in France, setting forth the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide by Ankara as a main precondition for Turkey's EU membership.
