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Fiasco of Political Forces

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  • Fiasco of Political Forces

    Fiasco of Political Forces

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 12:25:23 - 06/07/2012

    The idea of political parties in Eastern Europe ended in fiasco. In
    the countries of this vast region the political parties are factors of
    corruption, making money, robbery and venality. Political organization
    is a key condition of undermining and castrating such institutions as
    constitution and the rule of law, parliamentarianism and everything
    that is usually referred to as democracy.

    However, an even more monstrous political crime is committed. The
    political parties undermine the civil society and existence of the
    society as such. There may be a link between this real function of
    political parties and the democratic doctrine as a whole. All this
    would not have been doomed if the political parties were not
    conductors of political and military capitulations of nation states to
    foreign threats and circumstances.

    In fact, all the political parties have been defined as institutions
    which are intended for getting power. The functions of parties are
    limited to this, and this explains the whole negativity relating to
    such a phenomenon as political parties.

    It is possible that in some stage the Eastern European societies will
    become adequate but what was the purpose of imposing the `democratic
    model' on these countries for the upcoming decades? In fact, the
    evaluations of the democratic situation in Eastern Europe and depends
    mainly on geopolitical goals and preferences of the Western community.

    Moreover, emergence of genuine democracies in Eastern Europe, like in
    the Arab states undergoing radical societal change, appears dangerous
    to the great powers of liberal democracy.

    Real independent democracy is a big threat to world centers of power,
    both democratic and not so. Eastern Europe is in a vicious circle and
    in order to break off the national elites who understand the deadlock
    they have run into have to engage their countries in global
    strategies, subjecting them to the interests of the leading states
    which they are trying to achieve.

    In this situation one has to learn how to participate in difficult
    geopolitical games by the established rules, trying to involve certain
    issues, interests and preferences. This is politics on the
    Euro-Atlantic arena. There are partners beyond this arena as well but
    these partners are such only in the framework of the global
    geopolitical project.

    For such a country as Armenia the most effective and productive
    strategies were those which were reactions to external challenges. And
    if this goal is treated with responsibility, the expectations will be
    optimistic. Some significant changes took place in the world first of
    all relating to the geopolitical arrangement of forces. It is
    necessary to understand the new realities of reformation of NATO, the
    EU, China's new positions facilitated by the Eurasian project,
    progress in the Islamic world, intensifying processes in the Third
    World and other. These changes have different meanings in the global
    politics and economy but they mainly concern Armenia and the
    surrounding region than dozens of countries in different regions of
    the world.

    With the ongoing global changes which are impossible without big and
    small regional wars and major global and regional crises, countries
    with illusions about the necessity, self-sufficiency and importance of
    political parties may have to face highly unpleasant and dangerous

    Who will govern Armenia? It is time to create new political
    corporations which will be able to govern beyond the framework of
    democratic profanation, false principles of accountability to people
    and society. Similar structures have been set up in most serious
    countries and there is no doubt that parties of this model direct the
    most responsible political processes in the world.
