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Merci La France Or C'est La Vie

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  • Merci La France Or C'est La Vie

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:07:38 - 09/07/2012

    Something strange happened in France relating to the law on the
    criminalization of the Armenian genocide denial. First, the minister
    of foreign affairs of France Laurent Fabius said that Hollande's
    government will not follow Sarkozy's path regarding this issue. Since
    his Turkish counterpart Ahmed Davutoglu also stated that Turkey removes
    sanctions which it had approved, everyone thought France has discarded
    the draft law.

    Then rumors came that Hollande called the head of the Armenian
    Coordination Council of ARFD France and said that the law will be
    elaborated. The French Armenians have already expressed doubt that
    Holland really telephoned him. The information office of the president
    of France did not respond to this clearly but no one has officially
    denied Fabius' words and Davutoglu's joy.

    What is happening in France? What has Hollande planned? Even if we
    assume that the French foreign minister made â~@~Kâ~@~Ka statement
    which was contrary to the position of Hollande, the president would
    have denied it publicly. It is clear that he would not be very pleased
    to criticize his foreign minister for being incorrect but in this
    case he found himself in an awkward situation.

    Either the foreign minister failed to agree its statement with Hollande
    or Hollande has changed his attitude to Turkey.

    Apparently, Ankara is active e in the European direction and is likely
    to push Europe on the issue of its membership to the EU. Hollande may
    be a good supporter. It still needs to be found out what France will
    get in exchange but Hollande's support may be crucial for Turkey,
    it is evident.

    It is not accidental that on these days everyone is talking about
    the need to open the Armenian-Turkish border which is one of the
    obstacles to Turkey's membership to EU. Davutoglu does not cease to
    repeat that the border will open if Armenian troops are withdrawn
    from the Karabakh regions. This means that if France, one of the OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairs, insists on the withdrawal of troops from at
    least one region, Turkey will open its border with Armenia as well
    as Turkey's way to Europe.

    This is a good plan but it is completely Turkish. What will it bring
    to France, to say nothing about Armenia, which will definitely lose
    some territory?

    Tomorrow the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group will cross the demined
    border between Azerbaijan and Karabakh. Perhaps, right in the place
    which will be proposed by the mediators to be returned.

    The OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier is in Azerbaijan. He
    has stated that the OSCE considers the current status quo of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict unacceptable and calls on Armenia and
    Azerbaijan to refrain from the use of force in resolving the conflict.

    "The more players are involved in the conflict settlement process,
    the greater will be opportunities for advancement," said the OSCE
    Secretary General, without indicating what he has in mind.

    After his election Francois Hollande's has already made some steps to
    eliminate certain stereotypes. he openly stated that Asad will have to
    leave, he was the only person to argue with Angela Merkel and achieved
    corrections to the economic policy. Now, he may end the traditionally
    negative attitude of Europe to Turkey and resolve the Karabakh issue.

    And the answer to the dissatisfied Armenians will be c'est la vie.
