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Grant Eater Ombudsman

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  • Grant Eater Ombudsman

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:29:34 - 09/07/2012

    The Armenian Human Rights Defender reacted to the incidents in
    Harsnakar through a statement defining also the limit between the civil
    freedom and the right of oligarchs to protect their property by force.

    But this is not what is important in the Ombudsman's statement,
    but the conclusion, in which he calls on the civil activists to get
    distanced from those local and international organizations, which
    "use the just civil indignation for political and other reasons".

    Who the Human Rights Defender means? In general, no concrete
    accusations have ever been issued so far in disputes between the
    supporters and opponents of the politicization of civil movements. Who
    and why needs to speculate the just indignation? If the activities of
    foreign funds or organization contradict to the national interests
    of Armenia, why are they not sued and why their activities are not

    On the other hand, judging by the press messages, the Ombudsman's
    office is the human rights organization to receive the most grants
    in Armenia. Does Karen Andreasyan think the European Union and
    others, which issue him grants, "use his just position for their
    own interests"?

    As to "local organizations", is it bad if a party, finally, shows
    civil position and tries to jump on the "civil train"? Even if they
    have insincere intentions and they are engaged in populism, is it bad?

    Parties are meant to take civil issues to the political agenda with
    the help of the conquest of public opinion (populism).

    Armenians are masters of complicating simple things with suspicions,
    accusations and unaddressed slander. One can only wonder how it was
    possible to make such a clear, honest process a pointless topic for
    speculation. It's simple - people are outraged that the criminal
    elements that grown fat on the national good can take a human life
    with impunity. These people came to the streets to protest and say
    that they are not going to tolerate arbitrariness.

    Who will join them - the Armenian National Congress, Marxists,
    embassies of European countries or KGB and CIA agents - is not
    important. The more people join these actions and the anti-political
    movement, the stronger it will become.

    Of course, someone will want to control the movement, to curb it, to
    direct it to a different course, discredit it, but the participants of
    the movement should go straightly to their goal ignoring all kind of
    "well-wishers" without refusing anyone the right to take part in the
    actions. Congress, which has long distanced itself from the civil
    movement, was forced to accede to it, because it realized that it may
    be left behind the current trend. Similarly, if the targeted civil
    movement continues, each will consider it an honor to join.

    And there is nothing shameful or criminal for the civil society
    or political parties or international funds. There is so little
    movement in the Armenian marsh, so few new courses, that any living
    brain unwillingly reacts to any movement. Merely, minds of many are
    stagnated because of the bog smoke.
