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Unleashing Your 'Inner Hai Tahd': Four Reasons Why You Should Join T

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  • Unleashing Your 'Inner Hai Tahd': Four Reasons Why You Should Join T

    By Garen Bostanian
    July 10, 2012

    For the record, I am not writing this article on behalf of the
    Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). I am writing this as
    an individual who has a passion for the Armenian Cause, is eager to
    become more active in American politics, and wants to reach out to
    others who share the same interest.

    ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship 2012 participant Garen Bostanian during
    a presentation by NKR to the U.S. Representative Robert Avetisyan
    Although I've only completed two weeks of the program so far, I know
    I made the right decision to come to Washington, D.C. for the ANCA
    Leo Sarkisian Summer Internship (LSI) Program. Here are four reasons
    why this program could be worthwhile for you, as well:

    #1: The Living Experience

    I have never had the opportunity to live on my own. School and
    work have always been within a reasonable distance from home, so it
    was senseless not to commute. The LSI program was an opportunity to
    travel cross-country to the nation's capital and spend eight weeks in
    a group-living situation with six of my peers. This is definitely a
    new experience for me, and for most of the interns. Although I was a
    bit nervous upon arrival, it didn't take me long to become familiar
    with my surroundings, and now I can maneuver around any part of the
    city. I must give credit to my peers and Capital Gateway Fellows,
    though; they were extremely friendly and helped me become familiarized
    with both the house and our neighborhood.

    This was a test-run, of sorts, for future undergraduate and graduate
    studies away from home. If I was nervous about it before, I feel
    more confident now that distance should not dictate which school or
    program I choose.

    #2 The People You Meet

    One of the most unique aspects of this internship is its location in
    Washington, D.C. Being down the street from the White House and Capitol
    Hill allows us to meet with legislators we've only read about-and not
    just meet them but have the opportunity to advocate for the Armenian
    Cause. I have interned with local, state, and federal officials in
    the Southern California area, and each was an experience that I would
    not trade. But D.C. is different-from Congress to the White House to
    the think tanks-it is a unique opportunity to affect policy.

    During these past two weeks, I was fortunate enough to speak with the
    former U.S. ambassador to Armenia, John Evans; the Nagorno Karabagh
    Republic (NKR) representative to the U.S., Robert Avetisyan; and
    Representatives Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.), Joe Baca (D-Calif.), and Mike
    Doyle (D-Pa.). I have gone to the U.S. Capitol on several occasions,
    visiting various Senate and House Members' offices, providing them
    with press clippings from Armenian American newspapers, and thanking
    them for fighting in support of our just cause. It is a great way to
    learn who is who and get a better understanding of the legislators
    who support our issues. You really cannot do that anywhere other than
    in D.C.

    #3 The Knowledge You Gain

    I am, by no means, an expert in Armenian history, but even my fellow
    interns, some of whom were very well educated about our past, found
    themselves learning new information. In all honesty, every day we come
    across a subject that we discuss heavily while completing our work,
    and I find that to be both informative and entertaining. If you are
    like me, and enjoy reading and expanding your educational horizon, this
    city is meant for you-and this program is meant for you. Every day,
    "think tanks" host events on a myriad of topics, where they debate
    current controversial issues, led by individuals who are experts
    in the field. Some of these discussions focus on Armenia and the
    Caucasus; many do not; but all provide interesting perspectives and
    an opportunity to be part of the dialogue and not simply an onlooker
    from afar.

    However, it is not just the interesting people you meet or the events
    you attend. I was looking for a summer experience where the projects
    I took on were not just simple office tasks. From the first day, I
    tackled new and interesting projects, and as soon as I completed them,
    I had another one waiting for me. In this office, I feel useful,
    I feel productive, and most importantly, I feel like my work is
    helpful for the Armenian community.

    #4 Unleashing Your 'Inner Hai Tahd'

    >From the very first Armenian event we attended (a picnic at the local
    Soorp Khatch Armenian Church), I felt my passion towards my culture
    and community grow significantly. I met Armenians who hardly spoke
    our language, yet were tremendously active and interested in the
    Armenian Cause, and that was inspiring to me. Since that day, I have
    been thinking about ways to develop my involvement, my education,
    and my passion for the Armenian community when I get back home. How
    can I get more active in our Cause?

    I owe it all to my fellow interns and, most importantly, the team
    here at the ANCA National Headquarters, who wants us to have the
    best experience possible and sets the foundation for ongoing Hai
    Tahd activism.

    These are the points I've compiled after being in D.C. for only two
    weeks. I am positive that this list will continue to grow longer. But
    until then, I have one concluding thought, about not only this
    internship, but life in its entirety: Regardless of what you are given,
    the real value of an experience depends entirely on how much passion,
    interest, and effort you put into it. The LSI program gives you the
    opportunity to really experience D.C. and its intersection with Hai
    Tahd. It's up to you to take full advantage of the program and make
    it a summer you will remember for a lifetime.

    Garen Bostanian is in the Class of 2013 at College of the Canyons in
    California. He is currently a Leo Sarkisian Intern, Class of 2012.
