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Is Davutoglu Enver Jr.?

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  • Is Davutoglu Enver Jr.?


    Today's Zaman
    July 9 2012

    "Enver Jr." is a nickname that Republican People's Party (CHP) leader
    Kemal Kılıcdaroglu used in reference to Foreign Minister Ahmet
    Davutoglu in an attempt to criticize the government's Syria policy.

    His reference to Enver Pasha, the defense minister and chief of staff
    of the Ottoman Empire during World War I and an important historical
    figure, implies that the CHP leader is accusing the Justice and
    Development Party (AK Party) government of pursuing imperial policies
    of the Ottoman Empire. The Enver Pasha doctrine symbolizes assertive
    policies that culminated in disasters.

    The day Kılıcdaroglu made this reference to Davutoglu, I, in my
    column published in the Zaman daily, made an analogy between the
    current AK Party administration and the Committee of Union and Progress
    (CUP) government ruling the Ottoman Empire between 1908 and 1918 and
    referred to Enver Pasha, the number one figure of this period. Some
    attempts were made to relate to Kılıcdaroglu's "Enver Jr." remark.

    What really matters is to recall this legacy and take a look at the
    Middle East policy from a historical perspective. Enver Pasha is a
    great name that deserves a refresher of our memories.

    The CUP government, under the leadership of the three Pashas --
    Enver, Talat and Cemal -- was the rising star of the last stage of
    the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian deportation was their plan.

    Interestingly, they made the first attempt to transition to a
    multiparty system. They ended the 33-year-long rule of Abdulhamid II
    through a military coup and administered the state relying on coercion
    and intimidation. They made a pact with the Germans and entered World
    War I. In a very short time, they modernized the army, converting it
    into a strong instrument that was effective on the battleground. The
    War of Gallipoli is their success. In the end, they were defeated. Two
    of these three men were killed by Armenian assassins, whereas Enver
    Pasha was murdered by the Soviet military in Central Asia.

    Enver Pasha was a young and idealistic military serviceman. He had
    great ambitions. But he was not realistic. He led a life in pursuit
    of Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism. The name of Enver Pasha symbolizes
    unrealistic adventurers detached from reality. His style is seen as
    adventurous in foreign policy.

    The name and personality of Enver Pasha are part of the key to becoming
    a great state in the minds of military servicemen. For this reason,
    during the civil war in Tajikistan after the collapse of the Soviet
    Union, the body of Enver Pasha was exhumed and taken to İstanbul by
    a military operation where his body and ideals were preserved and
    honored. In short, the state views him as significant in the field
    of foreign policy.

    But still, it is not proper to make an analogy between Davutoglu
    and Enver Pasha. Davutoglu's policy is not Pan-Turkism. Davutoglu's
    doctrine, focusing on the Islamic world, is closer to Abdulhamid's
    foreign policy style. Like the one pursued by Abdulhamid, it is
    realistic and wise. Likewise, it is similar to Abdulhamid's style in
    one more respect: patience.

    The current stage of Turkey's Syria policy refers to the end of a
    game. The game is not over yet. Turkey has made proper moves in this
    conundrum. This calculation will be justified when the Assad regime
    is gone.

    It is not possible to deny the Ottoman imprints in Davutoglu's policy.

    However, these imprints were borrowed from Abdulhamid's regional
    policy, not from the policies of the CUP.
