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Music: Serj Tankian, 'Harakiri': System Of A Down Singer Goes Solo,

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  • Music: Serj Tankian, 'Harakiri': System Of A Down Singer Goes Solo,


    July 10 2012

    Posted on Jul 10th 2012 10:30AM by Lonny Knapp

    Back in 2011, when thousands of birds fell from the sky and millions
    of fish washed up on shore in freak die-offs across North America, most
    people were happy to accept the media's flimsy scientific explanations.

    Serj Tankian, the Lebanese-born Armenian-American solo artist and
    frontman for Grammy-Award winning hard rock band System of a Down,
    didn't take these events lightly.

    The ominous incidents moved him, so he did what songwriters do;
    he wrote a song.

    That track "Harakiri," the Japanese word for ritual suicide, is the
    title track from his third solo release out July 10 on Reprise Records.

    Tankian is an interesting guy. While most hard rockers are content
    to swill beer and flip devil horns, he spends his down time writing
    books of poetry, meeting with the heads of state, and promoting social
    justice via the Axis of Justice, the non-for profit organization he
    co-founded with Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello.

    When Spinner got Tankian on the horn to chat about his new record,
    he didn't stick to a script. Rather, he waxed poetic about the
    unexplained die-offs of animal species, the irony of using an iPad
    to write songs condemning consumerism, the Occupy movement, and how
    he just might be becoming a hard-rocking Bono.

    You wrote the title cut from Harakiri after birds and fish started
    dying by the millions. Why did those events move you?

    It was such an ominous event. A million fish and birds decided to
    leave the planet, but what was it that made them go? They are such
    intuitive beings, and they are better connected with disturbances in
    nature than we are, so there must have been something.

    Remember, this is a month before a tsunami damaged that Japanese
    nuclear reactor and now water across the globe is showing signs of
    increased radioactivity. That might have something to do with it,
    I don't know, but it was definitely a powerful harbinger of times
    to come.

    Most people seemed happy to accept the scientific explanations,
    but you're not buying it. Why?

    All the scientific explanations were pretty far fetched -- fireworks
    in one case, or not enough oxygen in the bay in another case. The
    logical mind can't comprehend the alternative. That's what is so
    haunting and powerful about it.

    You wrote songs for Harakiri using readily available apps and your
    iPad. Can you explain that process?

    I took tracks from my previous records, made loops out of them, and
    used these loops as construction material to design new songs. It was
    musical recycling if you will. The iPad is such a great musical tool.

    I was just messing around and came up with sketches for three of the
    songs: "Reality TV," "Ching Chime" and "Deafening Silence."

    Consumerism is a theme that pops up in many of your songs. Do you
    see the irony in using an iPad -- one of the most coveted electronic
    devices ever created -- as a production tool?

    If you're looking for irony, you can find it anywhere [laughs].

    Utilizing an iPad to write a song is no different from using acoustic
    guitar or piano. As a songwriter, you always want to change and
    progress, and while I'm not endorsing the Apple corporation in any
    way, it is a useful tool. Consumerism is part of our life; there's
    blind consumerism, and then there's consumer awareness. They are very
    different things.

    In 2011, after an appearance in Yerevan, Armenia, you met with the
    country's heads of state. You often use your music and celebrity to
    highlight and further social justice causes, but most rock musicians
    don't take time off from touring to visit political leaders. Do you see
    yourself becoming more involved in politics, perhaps like U2's Bono,
    who is almost as active as a political figure as he is as a rock star?

    I hate injustice, and I can't help but to speak against it, but I
    don't want to get involved in politics, because I have a more direct
    avenue to expression as an artist than I ever would as a politician.

    As an artist or an activist, I hope I always continue doing what my
    heart tells me to do.

    With the recent Occupy movements and student protests -- like the
    ongoing ones in Montreal -- people are letting governments know
    they're fed up with the status quo. Do you think regular people have
    the power to change a political system?

    The Occupy movement is here to stay, and I'm proud that people have
    stopped putting up with abusive capitalism and the injustice of the
    economic and globalist systems.

    All around the world, in North America, Europe, and South America
    where students have been fighting for their rights for more than a
    year and a half on the streets of Santiago, people are getting out on
    the street and making themselves heard. At first the media tried to
    demonize it, but it's a truly democratic movement and I think there
    has been an impact.

    Over the last year you've played gigs across three continents with
    System of a Down, but the band has yet to recorded new material. So,
    what's standing in the way of a full-scale reunion?

    There is nothing standing in the way. When the time is right for us to
    get back in the studio and do a record together we will. Until then,
    we'll continue doing what we do on our own. Truth is, these reunion
    dates have been incredibly fun and we are performing better than we
    ever had. It's very positive.
