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TEHRAN: Iran Invites Armenia President To Upcoming NAM Summit

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  • TEHRAN: Iran Invites Armenia President To Upcoming NAM Summit


    Press TV
    July 10 2012

    Iran has invited Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to take part in
    the forthcoming Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in the Iranian
    capital, Tehran.

    During a Monday meeting with Sargsyan, Iran's Interior Minister Mostafa
    Mohammad-Najjar extended President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad~Rs invitation
    to his Armenian counterpart to attend the NAM summit.

    The 16th NAM summit will be held in Tehran on August 26-31, during
    which the Islamic Republic will also assume the rotating presidency
    of the movement for three years.

    Accepting the invitation, the Armenian leader said consultations
    between the two countries' officials will help further strengthen
    bilateral ties.

    He described the mutual relations between Iran and Armenia as 'very
    good' and growing, adding that, "Armenia will do its best to implement
    the previous[ly-signed] agreements."

    Mohammad-Najjar, for his part, said Yerevan has a special place in
    Iran's foreign policy and called for increasing bilateral transactions,
    given the 'great' capacities between Tehran and Yerevan.

    "We have come to Armenia to expand ties between the two countries.

    Both countries have great potential in various areas, such as economy,
    culture, politics and energy.... Armenia is our neighbor and there are
    also security issues that concern both of us, such as border issues,
    narcotics, and money laundering," the Iranian minister told Press TV.

    He expressed the country's preparedness to sign memoranda of
    understandings (MoU) in the field of security with Armenia.

    Iran is prepared to share its experiences in countering drug
    trafficking , organized crimes, crisis management and dam building
    with Yerevan, he added.

    Mohammad-Najjar also held a separate meeting with Armenian Parliament
    Speaker Hovik Abrahamian later on Monday.

    The Iranian minister arrived in Yerevan at the head of a high-ranking
    delegation on Monday for a two-day visit.

    Mohammad-Najjar was welcomed by Armenia's Emergency Situations Minister
    Armen Yeritsya.

    "We must expand our ties and cooperate more. Iran and Armenia have
    always enjoyed friendly relations," said the Armenian minister.

    Iran and Armenia have taken major strides towards promoting their
    mutual relations over the recent years, particularly in the energy
