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Will West Pay To "Derusify" Armenia?

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  • Will West Pay To "Derusify" Armenia?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:03:33 - 11/07/2012

    Armavia Air Company during the Farnborough salon decided to purchase
    one Airbus and one Boeing, Interfax reports. Earlier, we learnt that
    the Armenian carrier decided not to buy the second Sukhoi Superjet 100

    This information came right after the Russian press had reported
    Mikhail Baghdasarov is going to sell Armavia Company to Russian
    companies through Harutiun Pambukyan.

    Which of these is the result of the other information? It is not
    ruled out that Baghdasarov refused buying the Superjet, after which
    the Russian party launched an information war against him spreading
    rumors that his company is for sale.

    Now, they say, that Armenia, allegedly, is ready to give 10% of its
    assets to the HayRusGazArd to make sure Russia won't announce gas
    price increase by the presidential elections. The gas, as they say,
    has already increased in price by USD 60, but it is kept secret.

    Perhaps, the assets already belong to Russia.

    If Russia manages to lay hands on all the assets of HayRusGazArd
    and Armavia, we can say that the Western raid to remove Armenia from
    under the Russian influence failed.

    The West also understands that everything has its price and it won't
    be enough just to support minimal reforms. Either it will have to
    cover the inevitable "damage" to Armenia or to lose it forever.

    There are two versions - the West keeps the acting power in Armenia
    and propose money which it uses for the compensation of the gas
    price increase, preservation of Armavia and allows Armenia not to
    take a loan from Russia; or the West contributes to the arrival to
    power in Armenia of those who will take the risk to go for a direct
    confrontation with Russia, but in this case it will have to cover
    major damage. Russia has very powerful levers of economic power in
    Armenia, and now it is increasing.

    Apparently, conceptual talks are underway between Russia and Armenia.

    Press secretary of the ministry of energy and natural resources of
    Armenia Lusine Harutiunyan told Arminfo that they are negotiating in
    relation to whole complex of energy cooperation including issues on
    tariffs on natural gas.

    This means that Armenia is trying to weaken the economic influence of
    Russia which not only resists in all possible ways but also creates
    new levers.

    How this fight will end is hard to guess, but it is absolute that
    the leading role belongs to two factors: readiness of the West to
    help Armenia and capacity of the Armenian authorities to insist on
    their own, even if they will have to lose power for it.

    Only in case these two factors are present, Armenia may restore full
    sovereignty: if the West is ready to confront with Russia for Armenia
    and if the authorities intend to sell themselves to anyone who will
    guarantee reproduction.
