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Balkan Opportunities Lost And Gained

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  • Balkan Opportunities Lost And Gained

    By Nikos Konstandaras

    July 12 2012

    Last week, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev paid an official visit
    to Greece. Since we sank into our crisis, very few heads of state
    have come to Athens (with only the Armenian and Ukrainian presidents
    visiting last year), but the Bulgarian president's stay did not
    receive much publicity. This indicates the good level of relations
    between the two neighbors, who are also both members of NATO and the
    European Union. But it is also evidence of how our obsession with the
    crisis and its consequences does not allow us to see beyond our daily
    drama to the joint potential that we could share with our neighbors.

    Until recently, things were very different. Then, every contact between
    Greece and Bulgaria was a notable event - without our going all the
    way back to the hostilities of the Balkan Wars and WWII. For most of
    the second half of last century, Greece found itself on the western
    side of the Iron Curtain while Bulgaria was in the Soviet bloc. They
    were in different worlds, with Greece enjoying the prosperity that
    the socialist countries would wait a long time to approach.

    And yet, when in March 1987 Greece and Turkey suddenly came to the
    brink of war over a dispute in the Aegean, then Foreign Minister
    (now President) Karolos Papoulias flew to Bulgaria for talks with
    the Communist leadership. The dramatic move made a great impression
    internationally, underlining that at a moment of crisis with a fellow
    NATO ally, Athens trusted a member of the Soviet bloc more than its
    "official" allies. Not many years earlier, our allies the Turks had
    invaded Cyprus - and mighty NATO had proved incapable of dislodging
    them or punishing them. By dispatching Papoulias to Sofia, Prime
    Minister Andreas Papandreou wanted to stress his suspicion of Greece's
    allies and to show that Athens considered Bulgaria a better friend
    than its nominal allies. He also wanted to show off the "non-aligned"
    foreign policy that was his PASOK party's flag.

    For years, Greece was in the privileged position of being the only
    country in the region to be both in NATO and the EU. It could improvise
    in its political relations with neighbors who had in the past hosted
    significant Greek populations and commerce but were now in a different
    geopolitical camp. The USA and other allies put up with this because
    Greece was a key member of NATO's southeastern flank.

    However, despite all the flashy moves, Greece was slow to exploit
    its commercial advantages in the region.

    Today, when we find ourselves in crisis and our neighbors are also
    partners, the Balkans should be a priority for the development of
    economic ties and for relations of true friendship.
