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An Interview With Julia Tashjian, Former Secretary Of CT

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  • An Interview With Julia Tashjian, Former Secretary Of CT


    Posted by Lilly Torosyan on July 13, 2012 in Interviews,

    Julia Tashjian An Interview with Julia Tashjian, Former Secretary of

    Julia Tashjian

    Armenian Weekly intern Lilly Torosyan recently conducted the
    following interview with Julia Tashjian, the former Secretary of
    Connecticut from 1983-91. Tashjian is an active member of St.

    George~Rs Armenian Apostolic Church in Hartford, Conn., and currently
    resides in Windsor, Conn.

    Lilly Torosyan: Tell us a little bit about your background.

    Julia Tashjian: Well I was born in Rhode Island, and moved to
    Connecticut when I was four years old. My parents were from Kharpert.

    My mother was from Iznik and my father was from Sursur. When they
    came to the United States, they went to Rhode Island because that was
    where a lot of Armenians from that area relocated.

    LT: What brought you into elective politics? Was it a gradual process
    or a spontaneous decision?

    JT: At that time, you had to be 21 to vote. I started out at 18 on
    the Young Democrats. The reason I got interested in politics in the
    first place was that the old neighborhood in Hartford where I grew up
    was very politically active. Around election time, there would be
    banners across the front porches and I thought, ~QGee, well that~Rs a
    lot of fun. I think I~Rd like to do that!~R

    I started running peoples~R campaigns and fundraisers. When I decided
    to run for office, I had been helping one of the other legislators
    running for secretary of state, and when I was reading the background
    of others on the ballot, I noticed that I had a better background in
    government than they had, so I decided to give it a go. I was told
    that I shouldn~Rt bother because not only did I not have any elective
    experience, but there were not enough Armenians to fill a phone
    booth! So I had no ethnic group to back me. In fact, none of the
    reporters could even pronounce my last name. They told me that I had
    no chance at all, but when I won the convention, they started to
    pronounce my name properly. [She chuckles]

    After I got elected, everybody said I was a lawyer but I was not. I
    am not a lawyer. In fact, I did not even start taking college classes
    until my early 40s, and I never finished college. But, I worked at
    the legislature from 1969 until I took office [in 1983] so I was
    familiar with how the state government worked and how you get things

    LT: What~Rs your opinion of Connecticut politics today and the
    direction it is heading in?

    JT: Well I like Governor [Dannel] Malloy, but I think one of the
    problems is that the legislature is no longer made up of
    professionals. We used to have plumbers, farmers, real estate
    workers~Wpeople from all different walks of life~Wso when they were
    making a decision, it was based on knowledge that was passed from
    whoever was in that field. We are now inundated with people who have
    chosen legislature as a career, rather than as public service. People
    have been in office too long and what happens is after so many years,
    you forget what it~Rs like for the man on the street. Before, in
    politics, it was understood that ~QYour word is your bond.~R Now,
    people change their minds and you don~Rt even know it until they get
    on the floor to vote!

    LT: I understand that you have done a lot for the local Armenian
    community, even after you served as secretary of state. Describe your
    involvement in Armenian causes: events, charities, etc.

    JT: For many years, I helped the organizers of the Martyr~Rs Day
    commemoration that took place in the state capitol building every
    year. In fact, it used to be in the Senate Chambers, but it just got
    so big that we had to relocate to the House Chambers.

    I remember one year when [William] O~RNeal was governor, his office
    called me, saying that a Turkish group was against having these
    events in the state capitol and asked what I thought. I told them
    that as the governor, he had the right to his own decision, but that
    if anything were to happen, there was nevertheless a much larger
    Armenian population in Connecticut than Turkish, so there would be
    demonstrations for sure. After that, they backed down.

    Also, the governor put me in charge of the funds in Connecticut for
    the Armenian earthquake in Gyumri [Dec. 7, 1988]. I also worked with
    the representative for the Connecticut Board of Education to get the
    Armenian Genocide into the school curriculum.

    I also served on the National Platform Committee for Democrats, which
    met in many cities from New England to California. No matter where I
    went, the Armenian community would always contact me every time. They
    would have coffee hour or something, regardless of which Armenian
    political party they belonged to. They all were proud that there was
    an Armenian running.

    LT: Do you believe that it is important for Armenians to be involved
    in American politics? How would you recommend they become more
    engaged, especially for those who have never been politically active?

    JT: I~Rve been saying this for years! The problem is that a lot of
    Armenians came here to escape the genocide, and they were just
    thankful to be in a free, democratic country that didn~Rt persecute
    them, so they just didn~Rt get involved in politics~Wand that~Rs
    where it all begins. Many traditional Armenian families also stressed
    the importance of business, medicine, and law, pushing aside
    politics. Thank goodness for the internships in Washington because
    being in elected office, part of a newspaper staff, or in state and
    federal departments, is important in furthering Armenian causes.

    Little by little, because of internship programs, we~Rve seen a lot
    more involvement, at least in the bureaucracy. We have seen this with
    the advancement of Armenians in political office, such as former
    California Governor George Deukmajian, and former Mass. Speaker of
    the House George Keverian. There have been many state legislators in
    Massachusetts that are Armenian, and they are only multiplying.

    As a whole, Armenians are an ambitious and competitive people, and
    that~Rs why they succeed. Most are very bright, open-hearted, and
    hospitable, and they are good at whatever they take on.

    LT: Speaking of hospitality and openness, how did your parents react
    when they found out you wanted to run for office?

    JT: When I told my parents that I was running for secretary of state,
    my father asked me who was going to make the meals and clean the
    house~Wthe whole housewife thing. Actually, when I was a National
    Convention delegate, the Armenian Assembly was having a special
    delegation from around the country, and everyone huddled together for
    a picture and all of the men were in front and the women were all the
    way in the back! So the whole woman-in-the-house typecast was really
    prevalent at that time, but ultimately, my parents were proud of what
    I did.

    It~Rs funny because when I was elected secretary of state, my niece
    became the first Miss Teen USA [Ruth Zakarian], and my brother became
    the head of the Hartford PAL [Police Athletic League] Association.

    So, all three of us were in the news that year.

    LT: What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment as
    secretary of state?

    JT: You know those stickers that say ~QI Voted~R? Well, I started






