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Russsia Says OSCE PA Report On Georgia "Unacceptable"

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  • Russsia Says OSCE PA Report On Georgia "Unacceptable"


    July 14, 2012 - 14:09 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The acceptance of a report on Georgia by the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE) demonstrates its reluctance to recognize the new
    realities resulting from the increasingly complex situation in the
    Caucasus since 2008, preventing the OSCE from furthering peace in
    the region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday, July 14,
    according to RIA Novosti.

    The resolution "uses worn-out propagandistic cliches about 'occupied
    Georgian territories,'" the Foreign Ministry said.

    "The majority of deputies in the Assembly (Parliamentary Assembly of
    the OSCE) once again don't wish to objectively accept the realities
    of the situation today in the Caucasus," the Foreign Ministry said
    on its website. "Such an approach, unfortunately, deprives the OSCE
    of the ability to make a constructive contribution to boosting peace
    and stability in the region," the Ministry added.

    "The Russian delegation firmly opposed this tendentious document,
    declaring it absolutely unacceptable," the Ministry said.

    Abkhazia's Foreign Ministry also condemned the OSCE resolution,
    saying it did not take into account new realities and was based
    on information presented only by the Georgian side. The call to
    reintroduce European Union Mission observers in Abkhazia has no legal
    basis and contradicts the text of the Medvedev-Sarkozy agreement,
    the Abkhazian Foreign Ministry said.

    Georgian forces attacked the breakaway region of South Ossetia on
    August 8, 2008. Russia sent its forces into the region to protect the
    citizens of South Ossetia, many of whom held Russian passports, and
    expelled the Georgian forces after a five-day conflict. Russia then
    extended formal recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia on August 26, 2008. Georgia then broke off diplomatic relations
    with Russia and declared the two regions as occupied territories.

    Both regions had been de facto independent since breaking away from
    Tbilisi in the early 1990's after Georgia left the USSR in 1991.

    The EU refuses to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty
    of Georgia.
