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The Mediators Are Calling On And Azerbaijan Is Ignoring

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  • The Mediators Are Calling On And Azerbaijan Is Ignoring

    THE MEDIATORS ARE CALLING ON AND AZERBAIJAN IS IGNORING he-mediators-are-calling-on-and-azerbaijan-is-ignoring&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Friday, 13 July 2012 12:32

    On Wednesday, July 11, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen Robert Bradtke
    (USA), Igor Popov (RF), and Jack Fore (France) visited the NKR within
    their regional visit. According to the official information, issues
    related to the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement and regional
    processes were discussed at the meeting with the NKR President.

    As you can see, the subject matter is rather capacious, but we can
    suppose with a high probability that among the considered issues an
    important place was occupied by the military component of the Karabakh
    conflict, or more precisely, the possibility of resuming the war.

    Indirectly, this is indicated also by the fact that the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairmen timed their visit to Nagorno-Karabakh to the
    scheduled monitoring of the contact-line, during which the mediators
    moved from the Azerbaijani territory to that of Karabakh. Rather,
    they wanted to see with their own eyes and feel the situation at the
    front-line, where about a month ago there was extremely dangerous
    increase in tensions. As you know, on June 4-6, Azerbaijan took armed
    subversive actions, resulting in the deaths of over ten people, which
    made many experts speak about the increasing risk of resumption of
    the large-scale hostilities

    The situation was really teetering on the brink of war and peace,
    prompting the international mediators, presented by the Presidents
    of Russia, the USA and France, to speak at the G-20 summit in Los
    Cabos, Mexico, with a hard call to the parties, emphasizing the
    inadmissibility of the use of military force for resolving the
    conflict. I must say that lately, of the three principles proposed
    by the Minsk Group co-chairmen for resolving the Karabakh conflict
    - non-use of force or threat of force, the right of peoples to
    self-determination and territorial integrity of states - just the
    first one is more often put forward. Also, the main goal of the Minsk
    Group co-chairs' current visit was prevention of the hostilities'
    resumption and maintenance of peace.

    It seems that the mediators are losing their patience with the endless
    militaristic statements and provocative actions of Azerbaijan, which
    states with aggressive self-confidence its intention to solve the
    problem by force. The co-chairs seem to begin to get irritated at
    the permanent refusal of Baku - in spite of the numerous appeals of
    international structures - to withdraw snipers from the frontline
    and its endless armed provocations. And the first reaction of the
    American party has taken place.

    We are talking about the recent decision of the U.S. State Department
    to delete Azerbaijan from the list of countries, to which American
    military equipment will soon be sold. It can be supposed that the State
    Department's decision was a response to the disrespectful attitude
    of official Baku to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose visit
    to the region on June 4 was spoiled by sabotage operations of the
    Azerbaijani armed forces on the borders with Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh. We are far from thinking that the cessation of the U.S.

    military supplies to Azerbaijan will hurt the Azerbaijani army,
    however, the very precedent is important here. In fact, they gave
    the Baku regime to understand that they know very well who actually
    destabilizes the situation in the conflict zone and that they will
    not continue to tolerate its dangerous steps threatening the peace
    and stability in the region. We'd like to believe that the U.S. will
    be consistent and will take further measures to curb the aggressor,
    which has felt its impunity up to now.

    The issue of the destructive policy of Azerbaijan was touched upon
    also during this visit of the mediators to Stepanakert. The NKR
    President called on the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to use their
    efforts to finally move Azerbaijan to a constructive direction and to
    restore the full format of the negotiations, with Nagorno-Karabakh's
    participation in them. Unfortunately, this time too, there was no
    clear answer to the question on the term of the Karabakh party's
    involvement in the negotiations. In Stepanakert, the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairs noted only that at some stage, perhaps, with the beginning
    of the works over the text of the peace agreement, the current format
    of negotiations may be expanded. Either, there were no specifics on
    the term of putting into operation the mechanism of investigating
    the incidents at the contact-line, which has been noted for many years.

    This mechanism, to some extent, could become a deterrent to Azerbaijan,
    the Foreign Minister of which has recently stated that the sniper
    war will be continued until a final settlement of the conflict.

    It is while both Armenian parties initially gave their consent to
    the withdrawal of snipers.

    Does the international community need any other evidence of who
    actually inflames the situation in this explosive region? Surely, not.

    Only the political will and determination of the OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chairmanship are needed to take serious steps against the major
    culprit in creating a situation that threatens to escalate into a
    full-scale war. At least that official Baku, as First Vice-Parliament
    Speaker Ziyafyat Askerov has recently done, does not state that
    "the OSCE Minsk Group is a dead organization", adding that "the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be solved by powerful Azerbaijan and
    its powerful army."


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: A. Papazian