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To Read Tumanyan In The Original Is Still A Dream For Ozjan Alperi

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  • To Read Tumanyan In The Original Is Still A Dream For Ozjan Alperi


    16 July, 2012

    To read Tumanyan in the original is still a dream for Ozjan Alperi

    Yerevan, July 16, ARMENPRESS: There where policy is "powerless",
    culture lends a hand. Real artists are often able to do much:
    create connections, take the first step to dialogue, which are often
    basis for further cooperation in other spheres. "Armenpress" had an
    interview with the Hemshin Armenian director Ozjan Alperi arrived in
    Armenia within "Golden Apricot" Yerevan International 9th Festival,
    on possibility of cultural dialogue and the role and necessity of
    artists in this issue. The director's "Autumn", "Momy" and "Future
    is forever" films raised a new wave of discussions in Turkey.

    "Mr. Alperi, what made you shoot films?"

    "There were issues, topics I wanted to depict, to show: that made me
    shoot films. I participated in film seminars of Mijagetk cultural
    center and Nazim cultural house, took lessons of cinema and was a
    director assistant in different films. I could have transferred my
    tale by means of other spheres, but I chose films.

    "You raise political issues, talk about Armenian and Turkish refined
    issues, but you do not want them to become preaching. Is it possible?


    "I locally speak and tell about those countries' people, I work for man
    and thus touch upon Turkey's current political problems. One should
    separate culture from politics. Art helps to see man and his soul,
    while creating art I see the world in my soul, country, Turkey and
    raise political issues, but I do not preach. Actually I am trying
    to depict reality in human and art in a correct and beautiful way,
    as reality is it.

    "Would you like to learn Armenian?"

    "Surely I would. My desire is for the future generation to have
    and learn their written language. If you do not master the written
    language of your country, you can hardly master its culture. I would
    like to read Tumanyan in the original, not in the mediated translation.

    The director answered a lot more questions, but did not want to talk
    about his childhood, but for the first "acquaintance" with his Armenian
    origin, he noted:

    "I had a very successful childhood in mountains. The first time I
    learnt about being Armenian was in student years. I do not like to
    talk about this. My films are more important at the moment".
