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The Policy In The Agrarian Sphere Justifies Itself And Will Be Eefic

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  • The Policy In The Agrarian Sphere Justifies Itself And Will Be Eefic

    Tuesday, 17 July 2012 12:54

    Grain harvesting is underway in the Republic.

    These days, those responsible for this area are working on a very
    tight schedule, so that to harvest the crop as soon as possible,
    as the "summer day feeds a year."

    This year too, the nature has presented a surprise to farmers, this
    time in the form of endless rains of July. What kind of damage have
    they caused to the harvesting campaign and how is the field work
    going on? Following is our interview with NKR Minister of Agriculture
    Andranik Khachatrian on this.

    - Mr. Khachatrian, the weather has changed dramatically in the most
    active time of harvest. Have the rains spoiled the harvesting?

    - This year, the harvest has started a few days earlier and indeed
    proceeded with an accelerated pace. Prior to the rainy season,
    one third of the fields under harvesting was cut - 2.5 times more,
    compared with the same period of the last year. The harvesting works
    are stopped, due to the rains. They will resume when the weather
    becomes stable and will be completed as soon as possible.

    - Will you tell us please at what stage the harvesting is. What
    problems have you already faced?

    - In the Republic, of 57,875 hectares of fields to be harvested,
    approximately 24,586 hectares have been harvested, the average yield
    making 17.6 Ó / ha. 10,609 hectares of barley and 13. 977 hectares
    of wheat are harvested. The average yield of barley made 16.6 c / ha
    and wheat - 18.3 c / ha. The problems emerging during the harvesting
    are mainly related to the agricultural equipment. The majority of the
    combine harvesters is worn and is often out of order, which affects
    the harvesting rate. Machine operators try to repair the combines in
    place, using the existing tools, but it takes much time.

    - Actually, the matter is the lack of agricultural equipment.

    - In accordance with the agricultural rules, 10 days are given for
    conducting any field work, including the harvest, after which the
    crop losses increase. Given this, we can say that there is need in
    combine harvesters. In the NKR, 132 of the 241 registered harvesters
    are used in harvesting; 85 combines more are delivered from the
    Republic of Armenia, which mainly work in the Kashatagh region. This
    year's peculiarity also is that wheat and barley have ripen almost
    simultaneously, which also led to tension and congestion in the
    combines' work.

    - Is there any approximate data on the crop volume? Has it justified
    your expectations and does it correspond to the expected indicators?

    - As I have noted, the average yield is 17.6 c / ha. The highest
    yield - 22 c / ha - is in the Kashatagh, and the lowest - 10.7 c /
    ha - in the Martakert region. Surely, we expected more, but in March
    and April, due to the lack of rainfall, some areas in the lowlands
    (about 3,500 hectares), in particular, in the Martakert region, have
    suffered. But, I want to point out that the reason of the low yield
    is not in the climatic conditions, but mainly in the unprofessional
    conduct of agricultural works by farmers. Studies have shown that
    even when rainfall is low, those farmers who cultivated the land
    in accordance with the agricultural rules and cared for the crops,
    collected high yields. Striking evidence to this is that in the same
    field, someone harvests 15 quintals per hectare and someone - 50 or 60.

    - How is the issue of storage and marketing of the crop solved?

    - While earlier there was a problem of wheat selling in the Republic,
    this issue has not arisen in the recent years. There are wheat storing
    companies both in our country and the RA; they buy harvest at the
    current market prices. Problems arise only when the harvested crop
    does not satisfy the requirements of the supplier on its quality
    indicators. But, there are only a few cases of such. Currently, the
    issue of crop storage is resolved by farmers themselves; they also
    establish direct relation with the harvesting companies. The price
    of barley is 105-110 AMD and wheat - 130-135 AMD, depending on the
    quality indicators.

    - Will the prices for bread change after the harvest?

    - The prices for bread will not change in our Republic after the
    harvest. The price for bread is mainly conditioned by the price for
    wheat, which Armenia imports from other countries.

    - Will you briefly tell us please about other programs of the Ministry
    of Agriculture?

    - The Ministry is implementing a series of important programs of
    sub-regional and industrial development. Since 2008, the land has been
    left fallow; since 2009, a program on stimulating corn production
    has been implemented. Through the NKR Foundation for Village and
    Agriculture Support, free credits are given for winter sowing on the
    privatized lands, as well as soft credits for the implementation of
    different programs. Seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are imported
    and provided to land users on a contractual basis (with the condition
    to pay after the harvest). For spring sowing of the current year,
    seeds of 8 different crops were imported from the RA and foreign
    countries and were granted to the owners at 50-percent subsidized
    rates, and to the tenants - 40%. Basing on the submitted applications,
    the NKR Foundation for Village and Agriculture Support will acquire
    agricultural equipment and give it to those wishing. The implementation
    of the program of crops' seed growing is underway, which will allow
    to fully satisfy the public demand for high quality seeds. Given the
    importance of balanced development of crop farming and cattle breeding
    (currently the ratio is 65% and 35% and does not meet the international
    standards), the Ministry of Agriculture conducts intensive works
    to increase the specific weight of cattle breeding. To this end, in
    2008, we started buying high-yielding cattle. To date, 400 cows have
    been imported to the Republic. To improve the local breed of cattle,
    we provided 30 cows to farmers and as a result have already received
    over 100 cattle of improved breeds.

    The implementation of the programs of agricultural development in the
    Banadzor and Magavuz sub-regions is underway. This year, the program
    of agricultural development in the Ukhtadzor sub-region has started.

    - What can you say about the spring sowing?

    - The spring sowing is mainly completed. As of June 20, it was
    conducted on 11.600 hectares of land, exceeding the last year index by
    18,1%. Compared with 2011, the following indexes have also exceeded
    the last year ones: wheat - by 4.2 times, buckwheat - 16 times,
    and industrial crops - 2.1 times.

    - How is the struggle against hail and other natural disasters

    - This year the hail damaged about 1,800 hectares of various crops,
    including 100% of 379 hectares (142 hectares of wheat and 199 hectares
    of vegetable crops, etc.). Most affected were crops in the south of the
    Kashatagh region. The territories in the zone of anti-hail systems'
    impact in the Askeran and Martuni regions suffered comparatively
    less. As in the previous years, this year too corresponding work was
    carried out to ensure the safety of the crops grown by the farmers. In
    addition to the compensation for the damage, the Government allocates
    substantial funds to install anti-hail systems. 52 systems are already
    purchased and installed, which have been operated by the NKR rescue
    service since the last year. In the coming years, anti-hail systems
    will be also installed in other hail-dangerous areas, which will
    minimize the damage caused by natural disaster.

    - Please, give a number of indexes of the last five years in

    - For the recent the years, dynamic growth has been recorded in the
    agricultural sphere. Speaking of crops, for comparison, 96 411 tons
    of wheat were grown in 2011, against the 52280.9 in 2007, and the
    average yield per hectare made 19.1. quintals against the 11. The
    areas under sowing have increased by almost 4000 hectares. But in
    general, the GDP share of agriculture in 2011 amounted to 12.3%,
    providing 17044.6 million drams; the increase made 73.9%, compared
    with 2006. The volume of funds allocated to agriculture from the
    state budget has grown 10 times and totaled nearly 3 billion drams.

    - Can we say that the agrarian policy of the Government justifies

    - Our policy in the agricultural sphere pursues one goal - to ensure
    the country's food security, which is an important guarantee for our
    economic and military power. And to achieve this, it is necessary
    to provide even and interrelated development of the two branches of
    agriculture - farming and cattle breeding. This is the only way to
    achieve the desired result and to ensure a high yield. We can hope
    for high and stable yield when a number of complex measures is carried
    out, among which are the use of various fertilizers, use of sound crop
    rotation, implementation of corresponding works in accordance with the
    best agronomic terms of cultivation and care of crops, as well as a
    complex struggle against diseases and pests, introduction of new high
    yielding varieties, use of seeds with high sowing quality. Surely, the
    role of agriculture is great in the implementation of the strategic
    program aimed at ensuring the welfare of the population. To hope
    for the successful development of agriculture during the transition
    to a market economy, it is extremely important, what tax policy is
    carried out in respect of the land user. In this context, compared to
    many countries around the world, we have an extremely soft tax- and
    preferential credit system, which has a very beneficial effect on the
    marketing of agricultural products. Our agricultural products, as well
    as the imported agricultural machinery are not subject to VAT, which
    also promotes the development of this economic sector. This year, the
    credit capital directed to agriculture has amounted to over 2 billion
    drams, which indicates the constant care of agriculture by our state.

    I am confident that the Government-approved policy in the agricultural
    sphere, which we conduct currently, justifies itself and will be
    effectively continued in the coming years.

    Srbuhi VANIAN

    From: Baghdasarian