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What Russian Speaker's Visit Indicated

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  • What Russian Speaker's Visit Indicated

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:57:54 - 25/07/2012

    Apparently, Armenia has diversified its foreign relations and is
    likely to cooperate with Russia on security and with Europe on
    political and economic issues.

    Meeting with the Russian Duma Speaker Sergey Narishkin who called to
    join the Eurasian Union and sign the CIS Free Trade Area agreement
    in autumn but Serzh Sargsyan did not reply "yes". It is notable that
    Serzh Sargsyan focused on two aspects. He said strong relations with
    Russia are the cornerstone of security of Armenia. It means Russia
    prefers bilateral relations with Russia without joining the proposed
    unions. Besides, Serzh Sargsyan shows that such cooperation is possible
    only on security.

    In official information on Narishkin's meetings there is no word on
    CSTO, CIS, FTA and Eurasian Union. And it is not a surprise because
    on the same day in Brussels Edward Nalbandyan negotiated accelerated
    integration with the EU and the Armenian reforms donor conference.

    In Yerevan Sergey Narishkin made interesting statements. He said the
    European Union would like to unite its hi-tech and financial potential
    with the natural wealth and scientific potential of the the Eurasian
    space. He thinks a unified space stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok
    will result.

    It means Armenia faces a choice between the EU's technological
    and financial potential and the reserves of raw materials of the
    Eurasian Union.

    It is also notable that Narishkin confessed the CSTO is a military
    alliance created to ensure Eurasian integration. "Eurasian integration
    takes place under changeable international circumstances, the principle
    of indivisible and equal security is not observed. Our countries
    undergo the use of double standard, export of color revolutions,
    discriminatory lists, the danger of terrorism and drug trafficking
    persists. In response to present-day challenges and threats military
    and political cooperation in the framework of the CSTO must be
    strengthened on both bilateral and multi-lateral basis," he stated.

    From: A. Papazian