Dr. Adrian C Pont, fellow worker of Oxford University, has published
a letter in the British magazine "Independent" about his journey to
Armenia. Mr. Pont especially says:
"Amid the hysteria generated by the Eurovision Song Contest, we
should not overlook the aggressive attitude of Azerbaijan towards
its neighbor Armenia.
Last week, while participating in a scientific collaboration with
Armenian colleagues, I was in the north of Armenia and at various
points very close to the border with Azerbaijan. In one village people
came out of their houses to advise us not to drive further along the
road as Azerbaijani snipers were regularly shooting across the border.
A number of people, peacefully working in their fields, and even
schoolchildren had been shot dead. Such incidents are widespread.
The purpose of such killings can only be to provoke retaliation by
Armenia, creating a "border incident" and enabling Azerbaijan to try
to annexe yet another small mountainous enclave of Armenia.
This part of Armenia is ethnically Armenian and the inhabitants
are Christian and speak Armenian. They would have no wish to
be incorporated into Islamic Azerbaijan, where they would suffer
persecution or worse. Let us hope that democratic choice and the rule
of law will prevail".
From: Baghdasarian
Dr. Adrian C Pont, fellow worker of Oxford University, has published
a letter in the British magazine "Independent" about his journey to
Armenia. Mr. Pont especially says:
"Amid the hysteria generated by the Eurovision Song Contest, we
should not overlook the aggressive attitude of Azerbaijan towards
its neighbor Armenia.
Last week, while participating in a scientific collaboration with
Armenian colleagues, I was in the north of Armenia and at various
points very close to the border with Azerbaijan. In one village people
came out of their houses to advise us not to drive further along the
road as Azerbaijani snipers were regularly shooting across the border.
A number of people, peacefully working in their fields, and even
schoolchildren had been shot dead. Such incidents are widespread.
The purpose of such killings can only be to provoke retaliation by
Armenia, creating a "border incident" and enabling Azerbaijan to try
to annexe yet another small mountainous enclave of Armenia.
This part of Armenia is ethnically Armenian and the inhabitants
are Christian and speak Armenian. They would have no wish to
be incorporated into Islamic Azerbaijan, where they would suffer
persecution or worse. Let us hope that democratic choice and the rule
of law will prevail".
From: Baghdasarian