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Armenian Election Coverage Improves

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  • Armenian Election Coverage Improves

    Institute for War & Peace Reporting, UK
    May 9, 2012


    Internet sources add balance to traditional broadcasters.

    By Anna Barseghyan

    Media experts in Armenia say the broadcast media have covered the
    parliamentary election campaign more fairly than in previous years,
    while opposition parties have used the internet to get around the
    ruling parties' dominance of the television and radio airwaves.

    The Yerevan Press Club and the National Commission for Television and
    Radio, NCTR, have been monitoring broadcast output in Armenia to see
    how far the various outlets have abided by their obligation to give
    fair access to all parties.

    `Our media have managed to provide conditions for the candidates and
    political forces taking part in the election. I don't think they have
    lacked airtime to get their ideas across to the public,' Grigor
    Amalyan, head of the NCTR, said. `Proof of this is that the free
    airtime [allotted to candidates] hasn't been fully taken up.'

    After assessing the amount of paid and free political advertising used
    by the candidates and parties, as well as the amount of airtime they
    got during news programming, the NCTR found that channels with links
    to particular parties tended to favour them over others.

    That is where the internet comes in, experts say. When Armenia last
    held a national election, for the presidency in 2008, under eight per
    cent of people had internet access. Today the figure is 50 per cent.

    `The influence of the internet has risen qualitatively and
    quantitatively , so that now the electronic media play a more
    significant role than the press ,' Samvel Martirosyan, a lecturer at
    the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan, said. `Over the year, a lot of new
    sources of news have appeared, offering many-sided coverage of the
    election. The down side is that most of these resources are used as
    campaigning instruments for specific parties.'

    Martirosyan said the video sharing site Youtube and the Facebook
    social network had become the most influential resources.

    `Youtube has been used as the main tool for the campaign, and Facebook
    as the main arena for it, since Facebook users are the most
    politically active,' he said. `What's most important is that all
    political forces are using social media. Youth movements have
    circulated campaign literature and taken part in discussions. Famous
    political figures have turned up as users to add a more human face to
    their political force.'

    Martirosyan said the opposition Heritage Party had made the most
    successful use of the internet, though its popularity was still
    lagging behind the Armenian National Congress, another opposition
    party, and also behind Prosperous Armenia and the Republican Party,
    both of which are in the current ruling coalition.

    The Republicans and Prosperous Armenia benefited from generous amounts
    of TV airtime. In the first week of official campaigning, the Armenia
    and Armnews TV stations gave over a disproportionately large amount of
    space to the former.

    The Yerevan Press Club's monitoring showed that the h2 channel gave
    the fairest access to all political parties, while apart from Kentron
    and Yerkir - which favoured political factions associated with them-
    the rest gave most coverage to the Republican Party. Even on h2, the
    three ruling coalition members - the Republican Party, Prosperous
    Armenia and Rule of Law - got the most airtime.

    Kentron TV, which is owned by Gagik Tsarukyan, head of Prosperous
    Armenia and one of Armenia's richest men, devoted most of its
    campaign-related airtime to that party.

    Arthur Azaryan, head of news programming at Kentron, said the only
    reason Prosperous Armenia got more coverage was that it did more
    campaigning than other parties.

    `We adopted an equal approach to everyone and actively covered the
    activities of all parties. Prosperous Armenia... had a little more
    airtime because the party visited several towns at once,' he said.

    Yerkir Media, which has links to the opposition Dashnaktsutyun party,
    also favoured its own side. Gegham Manukyan, head of news at Yerkir,
    denied any bias, and said the imbalance happened because other
    political groups refused to take part in programmes on his channel.

    `Nine parties were sent official invitations in writing, but only two
    accepted them,' he said, adding that the station had worked out how
    much time each would get if they had taken up the offer.

    Media monitoring is likely to continue right through the election. A
    number of websites have been created -,
    and - which invite members of the public to report any
    electoral violations they spot.

    Separately, was created by the Public Journalism Club.
    It has 17 citizen journalists who have been trained to report on the

    Anna Barseghyan is a journalist with, a project of
    Internews Armenia.
