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Proposed Military Sale To Azerbaijan Raises Controversy In Washingto

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  • Proposed Military Sale To Azerbaijan Raises Controversy In Washingto

    by Joshua Kucera
    June 4 2012

    The U.S. State Department is considering allowing a sale of
    surveillance equipment to Azerbaijan, which supporters say is needed
    to help protect against Iran. But Washington's Armenian-American lobby
    and its allied members of Congress are objecting, arguiing that it
    could be used against Armenian forces in the disputed territory of
    Nagorno Karabakh, as well.

    The equipment in question hasn't been precisely identified, but it
    is some sort of surveillance equipment that would be installed in
    Mi-35M attack helicopters that Azerbaijan has lately been acquiring
    from Russia. The State Department and Azerbaijan are saying that
    the equipment would be used by Azerbaijan's border service, and an
    "action item" by the U.S. Azeris Network emphasizes that the equipment
    is required to police the border with Iran:

    [I]t is the moral responsibility of the U.S. Congress and Government
    to show their support to their strategic ally in that turbulent
    region and stand strong with Azerbaijan. Such support should start
    with statements and resolutions in support of sovereign, secure and
    independent Azerbaijan, to supplying it with defensive systems such
    as Patriot air-defense systems (PAC3), border protection equipment,
    helicopter protection systems, simulators, Command and Control gear,
    and any other defensive and border-protection military hardware
    and software that would protect Azerbaijan's energy infrastructure,
    make it less vulnerable, and send a strong message to Iran to stop
    bullying and threatening. We should show our allies that we value their
    partnership and friends, and are not ignoring the threat Iran poses.

    But Armenian groups aren't buying it. Congressman Howard Berman wrote
    in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (released by the
    Armenian National Committee of America) says the equipment could be
    used against Armenians in Karabakh:

    Two months ago, my staff inquired as to the possible use of this
    equipment by Azerbaijan. Just last week, they were informed that it
    would be used on existing helicopters to aid in border surveillance
    and "police-type" activities.

    As Azerbaijan shares a border with Armenia, this equipment could be
    used to identify and possibly target Armenians in the border area for
    surveillance or for attack. I am also concerned about the message
    that such a sale would send to the regional parties, both in terms
    of perceived U.S. even-handedness and in terms of our seriousness
    about persuading Baku to cease its bellicose rhetoric and agree to
    Minsk Group co-chair demands that it remove its snipers from the
    "line of contact" in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

    The part of U.S. law that limits arms transfers to Azerbaijan, known as
    Section 907, includes a provision that allows the Secretary of State
    to waive the restrictions if a transfer "is important to Azerbaijan's
    border security," which would seem to obtain here.

    Without knowing more about which equipment specifically is under
    discussion, it's hard to say what it most likely would be used for.

    But the Azerbaijani appeal is an interesting one, focusing so heavily
    on the threat from Iran. This was something notable on The Bug Pit's
    recent visit to Baku, how government officials repeatedly emphasized
    the threat from Iran. A cynic would say that Baku is ginning up
    the threat to gain Western sympathy, and possibly concrete support
    like arms sales. But it's also true that Iran has been rhetorically
    aggressive recently, and that Azerbaijan's strategic interests in the
    Caspian are potentially threatened by Iran. So what may be happening
    is that Baku sees an opening, while the world is concerned about Iran,
    to dovetail its strategic interests with those of the U.S. and others
    who distrust Iran.

    Anyway, the issue for both the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides on
    this issue seems to be less about the particular equipment and more
    about whether Azerbaijan should be isolated because of Karabakh or
    more closely embraced by the West. Berman's letter alluded to the
    "message that such a sale would send to the regional parties," and
    Adil Baguirov of the U.S. Azeris Network told The Bug Pit, Azerbaijan
    wants a concrete symbol of support from the West:

    The truth is it can get all the virtually same hardware from elsewhere,
    probably even cheaper - but the point is to get the necessary military
    hardware from a partner, with whom the allied relationship has been
    described as "strategic" by multiple Ambassadors (Harnish, Derse,
    Bryza) and even President Bush. As Azerbaijan has been sending real
    combat troops to Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, and did a bunch of
    other things for and with U.S., it naturally wants to be able to get
    the military and security hardware it needs from its Western partner.
