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Expert: "hilary Clinton Mainly Discussed NK Issue With Armenian Top

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  • Expert: "hilary Clinton Mainly Discussed NK Issue With Armenian Top


    "Azerbaijan wants to show by all measures that there is no status quo
    in NK issue and yesterday's case in Chinari village is its proof. I am
    sure that yesterday's provocations were devoted to Clinton's visit to
    Armenia. Azerbaijan wants to say that the conflict is not frozen. They
    try to sharpen state and change the current situation". Politician
    Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan announced about this during the meeting with
    the journalists while he was commenting on yesterday's events.

    According to the politician H. Clinton expressed her attitude towards
    the case on the border during the joint press-conference with Armenian
    Minister of Foreign Affairs. She also underlined once more that NK
    issue can not be solved only peacefully. According to the politician
    this means that Hilary Clinton mainly discussed NK issue with Armenian
    top officials.

    "US State Secretary's visit to the region must be divided in two
    parts. First of all there are US political and geopolitical interests
    and then some reference to the local problems and assistance to the
    regional countries come", H. Melik-Shahnazaryan noted.

    According to the politician Armenian-Turkish relations are also
    important for the USA. The USA wants to prevent Turkish great
    impression in the region and that is why Armenian question is used.

    The USA wants to see Armenian-Turkish border opened and hopes to have
    Turkey as an ally in the region in future as well.

    Commenting on the possible military actions in Iran H.
    Melik-Shahnazaryan said that Azerbaijan is a potential ally of the
    USA and Israel and may be it will become a platform for the military
    actions against Iran. According to the speaker that is why the USA
    has positive attitude towards the Azerbaijani armament process.

    During the press service coming presidential elections in Artsakh
    were discussed as well. As the speaker said the political situation is
    not completely clear yet in Artsakh: "Ne candidates can be presented
    till June 19. Now we have four presented candidates. I consider that
    current President Bako Sahakyan and former Minister of Defense of
    Artsakh Vitaly Balasanyan are the main candidates".

    "I am sure that Bako Sahakyan will be elected. Society in Artsakh is
    really small and what they do they do together. Of course, Balasanyan
    has huge army of supporters but I am sure that Bako Sahakyan will be
    elected in any case".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress