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Force Arbitration Between Baku And Yerevan

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  • Force Arbitration Between Baku And Yerevan

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:05:27 - 06/06/2012

    Azerbaijan and Armenia blockade the work of the mediators and it
    is time to shift from mediation to force arbitration, said Wayne
    Merry on June 5 at Woodrow Wilson Center during a discussion of the
    Karabakh issue. Merry is a Senior Fellow for Europe and Eurasia at
    the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington. According to him,
    the Minsk Group is unable to prevent escalation in the region.

    Actually, the words force supposes deployment of troops in the conflict
    zone. Now, we should suppose that competition will kick off between
    the world centers for the right to fulfill the "force arbitration".

    It has already been stated in Armenia that such arbitration should be
    carried out by Russia. However, it is evident that other OSCE members
    would not allow a unilateral decision of this issue, though Russia's
    frontier guards are at the Armenia-Turkey border. Most likely, the
    U.S. will state that the arbitration should be carried out jointly.

    It is noteworthy that the Russian border guards defend only the
    Armenian borders with Turkey and Iran, while the borders with
    Azerbaijan and Georgia are controlled by the Armenian army. It is not
    clear how Armenia and Russia made this division though we often come
    across "external borders" of the CIS. In other words, the external
    borders are defended by Russia, the internal ones by Armenia. But
    Georgia has left the CIS, while the Armenian frontier troops are
    still there at the border.

    As to the border with Azerbaijan, though officially there is no war,
    not the border guards but the Armenian detachments are at the border.

    Actually, Russia is defending the "external" borders of CIS which
    includes also Azerbaijan. In other words, the Russian border guards do
    not perform the function of protecting the Armenia-Azerbaijan border.

    It can hardly be a function of the Russian base of Armenia which
    mostly targets "external enemies", such as NATO as perceived by Russia,
    a member of which Turkey is.

    So, the Russian military forces cannot defend Armenia from Azerbaijan.

    This means that other forces can assume such functions, the OSCE,
    for instance. It does not have its own military detachments but it
    can delegate the function to NATO.

    Armenia has stated more than once that it is categorically against
    such intervention because Turkey is a NATO member. There have been
    discussions that the peacekeeping force should not be composed of
    forces of regional countries.

    Perhaps, the OSCE will finally negotiate the mechanisms of
    investigation of border incidents. However, for full control, it will
    perhaps need mobile forces.

    From: A. Papazian