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And Again About Return Of 1-2 Regions

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  • And Again About Return Of 1-2 Regions

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:45:23 - 07/06/2012

    International Crisis Group European programme director Sabine Freizer
    said it is a good moment for work with neighbors and super powers to
    reach a peace settlement. Liberation of one or two regions and the
    return of displaced persons may be the beginning of this process,
    Sabine Freizer said.

    There is a price which the mediators expect for the promotion of
    "new approaches" toward the Karabakh issue. For the promotion of this
    approach more than ten Armenian and Azeri soldiers have already been
    killed in the past three days.

    Obviously, the new approaches presuppose opening of the border without
    settlement. However, Baku demands at least 1-2 regions. Two years ago,
    minister of foreign affairs of Turkey Ahmed Davutoglu mentioned this
    and called on Armenians in a "fatherly" tone to cede Aghdam and Fizuli
    regions, after which Turkey would "convince" Azerbaijan to open the
    borders, and Turkey would lift the blockade.

    Actually, Clinton's "new approaches" are Davutoglu's "old approaches".

    The U.S., along with Baku and Turkey, is trying to seize some Karabakh
    territories in exchange for the ephemeral promises by Baku "to think
    about recognition".

    The present territory of Karabakh is an inseparable military-strategic
    unit. The borders have been set in the result of military-political
    planning and any change will end the balance of forces. This is clear
    to Azerbaijan too since it is trying to persuade the world community
    to break the balance.

    On June 17, negotiations on the new approaches will kick off in Paris.

    Sabine Freizer has already spelled out the preconditions - 1-2
    regions in exchange for an agreement not to violate the ceasefire,
    or deployment of "peacekeepers" in the region, or partial opening of
    the border. Anyway, Baku will hardly agree to final peace in exchange
    for "1-2 regions".

    But Fraiser and Clinton should know that these "1-2 regions" are
    too high a price for giving time to Azerbaijan to work out one more
    blackmail topic. Armenians had better wait to see who will be the
    next U.S. president.
