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Clinton's Words Prove Previous Approaches On Karabakh Were Unrealist

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  • Clinton's Words Prove Previous Approaches On Karabakh Were Unrealist

    June 06, 2012 | 23:58

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to the South Caucasus
    region stirred up the expert circles of the countries in the
    region, became the reason for a variety of assessments, opinions
    and commentaries, often completely contradicting each other. The
    hottest topic of discussion is related to Clinton's announcement
    that the parties of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 'will be proposed
    new approaches'.

    Chairman of the Public Council for Foreign Policy and Security
    of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), Masis Mailyan commented on
    Clinton's visit and the 'new approaches' in the interview to Armenian

    Before the visit some experts announced that the visit has a more
    formal than substantive character and that the Karabakh conflict will
    only briefly be touched upon. However, Clinton announced about some
    'new' approaches will be presented. How serious should those words
    be taken?

    The skepticism of the experts was due to the fact that the negotiations
    entered a rather passive stage. This is because of electoral periods
    in the mediators' as well as the conflicting countries. As for
    the Secretary's words about new approaches on the settlement of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the announcement itself proves that
    the previous approaches, including the Madrid principles and their
    elements, were not realistic.

    What can the new approaches be? Is it possible to completely cross
    over the outcome of the negotiations that lasted nearly 20 years?

    During the last 20 years the mediator countries have made many
    proposals on the settlement of the conflict. However, none of those
    proposals was contemporaneously accepted by all conflict parties. OSCE
    Minsk Group uses an outdated methodology of conflict resolutions,
    it does not reflect modern approaches of international law and
    the realities of the precedents in international relations. There
    is a completely new situation, which began to take shape after the
    recognition of Kosovo under the patronage of the majority of Western
    countries, as well as the subsequent recognition of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia by Russia. It is clear that new approaches must be based
    on new realities and must lead the people of the region to peaceful
    coexist and not to fight.

    Can these new hypothetical approaches cause disagreement to the NKR
    authorities, and if so, what could it lead to?

    Based on previous experience, we can conclude that today's NKR
    authorities are unlikely to give a clear and unambiguous assessment
    of possible new approaches. But the expert community, civil society
    and the individual political parties of Artsakh, of course, will
    express their views. If the new approaches are against the interests
    of Armenia and NKR then they shall be refused. Let us hope that during
    the development of the new approaches about which Clinton mentioned,
    the mistakes of the last 20 years will be taken into consideration.

    As Armenian reported earlier, during her regional visit
    to the South Caucasus region US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had
    announced that 'new approaches will be presented to the conflicting
    parties on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict'.
