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Serzh Sargsyan: Actions Against RA And Artsakh Won't Remain Unanswer

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Actions Against RA And Artsakh Won't Remain Unanswer


    "Loss of each Armenian soldier is the loss of our whole nation. We
    all mourn the death of our soldiers, together with the families of
    the victims. Regarding the response given to the rival, nothing can
    console our grief," President Serzh Sargsyan stated, answering to question about border incidents.

    "I've been always saying that the instigations on the line of contact
    are very dangerous. I've also said they will get severe responses.

    Recent incidents are evidence of it," stressed President Sargsyan.

    Remarking on the issue of responsibility for the border incidents,
    President said: "Either the instigations have been recommended by the
    Azerbaijani authorities, and in that case, they are responsible for
    the violation of the ceasefire regime an international obligation
    that Azerbaijan assumed, or the Armed forces of that country are
    out of control, and in that case we are to cope with separate field
    commanders, and not an organized army."

    "We don't find any reason to apply armed force, since we consider
    negotiations the only way to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    and the resolution must comprise implementation of right of self
    determination of people of Artsakh. To move forward and advance,
    as the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have repeatedly stated, people
    should be prepared to peace. The Azerbaijani side is committed to
    do quite the opposite - using encouragement of xenophobia as a tool
    to distract people's attention from domestic affairs," said the
    President and stressed two factors: "It's especially painful that
    the provocative actions occurred on the day when intellectuals of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, by the initiative of the Russian side, were
    holding a meeting aimed to strengthen atmosphere of trust, and the
    Secretary of State of another co-chairing state - USA, was paying a
    regional visit to South Caucasus."

    Speaking about the plans of the Armenian side, President Sargsyan
    said: "We are not committed to strain the situation, but we won't
    leave unanswered any action against our citizens, state borders and
    Nagorno Karabakh. The Armed forces of the Republic of Armenia are
    strictly ordered to perform restraint and vigilance, at the same
    time to prevent and punish any provocation by the rival. I am sure
    the international community and the people of Azerbaijan understand
    who is responsible for the blood of the victims."

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