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U.S. Proposal On Karabakh Issue

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  • U.S. Proposal On Karabakh Issue

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:25:19 - 06/06/2012

    Today, U.S. Secretary will arrive in Baku, where she is going to call
    on the Azerbaijani leadership to refrain from use of force to settle
    the Karabakh issue. She told about her intention in Yerevan stating
    that the use of force is not a solution. But Clinton made another
    interesting statement. She informed that Washington will make new
    proposals and "the citizens of both countries should contribute".

    Clinton expressed concern that the skirmishes may escalate to a
    confrontation which will have tragic consequences for everyone.

    Apparently, the U.S. and Europe are trying to keep the negotiations
    frozen and open the borders without a final solution. This option is
    not new. This is something like an "intermediate status" for Karabakh,
    lifting the blockade of Armenia by Turkey, ensuring transparency
    of borders, regional projects and perhaps also an agreement on
    non-resumption of hostilities in exchange for some concessions
    by Armenia.

    Azerbaijan understands that at a certain a moment it will be forced
    to accept this option and so it is trying to get as many concessions
    as possible. Official Yerevan has mentioned that Baku demonstrates
    readiness to use force despite Clinton's authority.

    However, Baku also understands that the alternative to this option
    might be not only the large-scale war in which the West will support
    Azerbaijan. This war may lead to a new phase of closed borders in the
    region, not in favor of Azerbaijan. And Baku will have to accept the
    "intermediate" option. Surely, unless it succeeds in getting Russia's
    support and the Western initiative fails.

    Is such a scenario beneficial for Armenia? The status quo, though
    temporary it may seem, is the best option for Armenia. The opening
    of the border may also have a positive result, except the option of
    return of territories, i.e. kilometers of security.

    Apparently, the U.S. and the European Union will adopt resolutions
    condemning the actions of Azerbaijan. OSCE is still silent but it is
    apparently preparing a special document which will enlarge its mandate.

    Prime Minister Sargsyan has already called on the European Union
    to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan. American congressmen called to
    suspend the deal on sale of police surveillance military hardware for
    helicopters to Azerbaijan. No official condemnation has been issued
    so far but it seems everyone is waiting for what Aliyev will tell Mrs.

    But the proposal has already been made public. The foreign ministers
    will meet in ten days in Paris. Will they discuss the "intermediate"
    option or will Azerbaijan choose the use of force and the worst way for
    itself? It will depend on whether Clinton will call Aliyev a "brilliant
    leader" like she called Serzh Sargsyan. Aliyev and Sargsyan need such
    guarantees not to become victims of their own nation in case of an
    "intermediate option".
