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Azerbaijani Troops Killed In Border Clash

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  • Azerbaijani Troops Killed In Border Clash


    United Press International
    June 5 2012

    YEREVAN, Armenia, June 5 (UPI) -- Five Azerbaijani soldiers were
    killed in a skirmish Tuesday with Armenian troops along the border
    of the two countries, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry said.

    The ministry said in a statement the troops were killed in a fight
    after Armenian troops tried to enter a village in northwestern
    Azerbaijan, RIA Novosti reported.

    The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict began in the late 1980s when
    Nagorno-Karabakh -- a region with a predominantly ethnic Armenian
    population -- declared its independence from Azerbaijan. The region
    has been under Armenian control since.

    Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers have agreed to hold talks
    on Nagorno-Karabakh June 18 in Paris, RIA Novosti said. Russia has
    been mediating peace talks for years.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a visit at Yerevan,
    Armenia, condemned the border clashes Monday, saying the use of force
    "will not resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict."

    "I am very concerned about the danger of escalation of tensions
    and the senseless deaths of young soldiers and innocent civilians,"
    she said during her visit to the North Caucasus states.

    Clinton said such incidents "underscore the necessity to try to
    keep making progress on the peace process. ... And it's not only
    the actions of leaders; it must be the actions of citizens as well
    to try to find a way to enable people of the region to live together
    in peace and dignity."
