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On The Warpath?: Armenia Calls On U.S., EU To Threaten Azerbaijan Wi

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  • On The Warpath?: Armenia Calls On U.S., EU To Threaten Azerbaijan Wi

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    06.06.12 | 12:53

    Some observers of the contentious atmosphere between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan are linking two incidents this week in which three Armenian
    and five Azerbaijani soldiers were killed, with the visit of United
    States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the region.

    The Armenian side blames Azerbaijan for the loss of life, insisting
    that it only retaliates to acts of sabotage attempted by Baku.

    Azerbaijan, on the contrary, accuses Armenia of perpetrating sabotage.

    One such cross-border incursion blamed on Azerbaijan on June 4 near
    the villages of Berdavan and Chinari of the Tavush province cost
    Armenia three killed and six wounded. The following night Armenia
    reported another aggression from Azerbaijan around the same area,
    saying that the Armenian soldiers repulsed the attack by a group of
    Azeri commandos killing five and wounding several. The Public TV of
    Armenia said Azerbaijan lost as many as 14 of its soldiers in that
    foiled attempt at overrunning Armenia's defense positions.

    "Azerbaijan is not satisfied by the fact that every day there are
    violations by Azerbaijanis on the line of contact of Azerbaijan and
    Nagorno-Karabakh. They are trying to transfer the tension, to escalate
    the situation onto the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan which
    greatly undermines the negotiation process, as well as threatens the
    regional stability. The responsibility for all possible consequences
    of such activities lies on the Azeri side," said Armenian Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandian during a June 4 joint press conference with
    visiting U.S. Secretary of State Clinton in Yerevan, hours after the
    first reported border fighting.

    Clinton, for her part, said that "the use of force will not resolve the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict". "We are calling on everyone to renounce
    force as well as refrain from violence... The United States, along
    with the Minsk Group, is committed to doing everything we can.

    And I discussed some specific ideas with the president and the
    foreign minister today. I made it clear to the president that the
    United States believes that a peace settlement must be based upon
    Helsinki principles, the non-use of force or the threat of force,
    territorial integrity, and the equal rights and self-determination
    of peoples. And you can't take one out. They have to be an integrated
    whole in order to arrive at a sustainable solution," said Clinton.

    Meanwhile, a number of pro-Armenian congressmen in the United
    States, including Adam Schiff (D-CA), Brad Sherman (D-CA), House
    Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Democrat Howard Berman (D-CA)
    and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
    on Monday issued strong statements condemning a brazen cross-border
    Azerbaijani attack against Armenia. In separate statements issued
    within hours of the Azerbaijani attacks, the Members of Congress
    urged Secretary Clinton to issue a clear and unequivocal rebuke of
    Azerbaijani aggression, expressed concern about pending U.S. arms sales
    to an increasingly violent Aliyev regime, called for the strengthening
    of Section 907 restrictions on U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan, and
    offered their condolences to the families of the slain soldiers.

    In his turn, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan urged the
    European Union to issue a three-point resolution to Azerbaijan in a
    bid to curb the militarization of the South Caucasus. At the end of
    a two-day visit to Brussels (June 3-4), Sargsyan told European Voice,
    a leading source for EU news and affairs, that "the EU should draw up
    a declaration stipulating that the festering dispute over the status
    of Nagorno-Karabakh must be resolved peacefully, threatening sanctions
    if force is used and setting out what those sanctions would be."

    Azerbaijan vows not to succumb to pressure. Head of the Department of
    Political Analysis and Information of the Azerbaijani Presidential
    Administration Elnur Aslanov said: "With such provocative actions
    Armenia is trying to maintain the status quo instead of establishing
    peace and stability in the region, further pushing the region to
    intensified military rhetoric and instability."
