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Remarks With Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian

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  • Remarks With Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian

    June 4, 2012

    Remarks With Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian

    Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Secretary of State

    FOREIGN MINISTER NALBANDIAN: Dear Madam Secretary of State, dear
    Hillary, it's a great pleasure for me to welcome you again in Armenia.

    Your last visit to Yerevan coincided with July the 4th, the national
    day of the United States of America. This visit coincides with the
    20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between
    our countries. The coincidence contains a positive symbolism. Less
    than two years we have passed since your previous visit to Armenia,
    but during this period we have had several opportunities to meet in
    Washington, in different cities, in the frameworks of international
    conferences. Independent of the months or the year or the place those
    meetings were held, they were exclusively warm, meaningful, fruitful,
    containing important and positive messages.

    Your visit to Armenia, to the region, testifies to the United States
    authority special attention to the South Caucasus. The meetings
    between the Armenian and American leaderships - I would underscore
    the Washington meeting between Presidents Sargsian and Obama in April
    2010 - reflects our strong will to deepen our relations. More than a
    century-long friendship between our two nations in which the American
    Armenian community has had a special role was naturally reflected in
    the two-decades long interstate relations.

    Madam Secretary, the mutual trust and understanding existing between
    our two countries, thanks to our common efforts, thanks to your
    personal, invaluable input, are the best pillars for expanding our
    friendly partnership. The bilateral cooperation between the United
    States and Armenia, which has reached the highest point in its history,
    concerns such important domains as institutional reforms, deepening
    of democracy, rule of law, modernization of economy.

    We have also close interaction in the international arena, covering
    regional and international security, nonproliferation of weapons of
    mass destruction, fight against all forms of terrorism, peacekeeping
    cooperations from Kosovo to Afghanistan, and other global challenges.

    The United States, as a co-chair country of OSCE group, has provided
    its permanent support to the process of the peaceful settlement of the
    Nargorno-Karabakh conflict. This process has been under the constant
    attention of the President and the State Secretary of the United
    States of America. Together, with the two other co-chair countries,
    the United States deployed intensive efforts and adopted several
    high-level important joint statements on the settlement of that issue.

    Dear State Secretary, more than once we have expressed our common
    approach on the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations. That
    position has been and remains the normalization of relations without
    preconditions. You have made an exclusive contribution to this
    process. Thank you very much. Unfortunately, the ball continues to
    remain in the Turkish court.

    Twenty years ago, Secretary James Baker noted that free, democratic,
    independent Armenia and the United States of America shares the same
    values: democracy, liberty, market economy, defense of human rights.

    During those 20 years, the United States has strongly supported
    Armenia. Today, humanitarian assistance is gradually turning into
    development projects and mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Dear Secretary, we express our gratitude to the President Obama's
    Administration and to you personally for your commitment and
    remarkable contribution to strengthening of Armenian-American friendly
    partnership. I hope that the celebration of the 20th anniversary
    of diplomatic relations will open new, wider horizons in bilateral

    I would like once again to welcome you, State Secretary, and your
    delegation to Armenia. The floor is yours.

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very, very much, Minister Nalbandian. I
    feel very pleased that I could be back here in Armenia once again,
    and I am very grateful for the warm and gracious hospitality offered
    by the president and yourself. And it is fitting that I would be here
    as we celebrate 20 years of U.S.-Armenia relations. Anniversaries like
    this provide an opportunity to look back on how far we have come and
    also to look down the road toward what kind of future we want of our
    relationship and Armenia's position in the world 20 years from now.

    The president, the foreign minister, and I discussed this at length.

    Regarding regional and global security, I thanked the president for
    Armenia's contributions to our shared mission in Afghanistan and
    to peacekeeping operations in Kosovo. We also discussed ways to
    improve Armenia's ties with its neighbors and increase stability
    and security throughout the region. To that end, we are committed
    to seeing Armenia and Turkey normalize relations, because we think
    this is a path forward to a better future for the citizens of both
    countries and we strongly support ratification of the Turkey-Armenia
    protocols without preconditions. We commend Armenia and President
    Sargsian for the leadership they have shown on this issue.

    Twenty years ago, Armenia had just begun its transition to democracy.

    There have been positive steps, and now we need to take more. We know
    from experience that democracy must be built over time. It isn't about
    just one campaign or even one election. It is an ongoing project. And
    we are pleased to see Armenia continuing to work to strengthen your
    democratic institutions to promote transparency, advance the rights
    of a free press, root out corruption, respect universal rights and

    Earlier today, I met several Armenian human rights activists who are
    working with courage and determination to help make reforms possible
    and to promote the democratic aspirations of the Armenian people. And
    we stand committed to working with Armenia as you continue the hard
    work of democratization.

    I am very - I was very pleased at the reports from international
    monitors about Armenia's parliamentary elections last month being
    generally competitive and inclusive, where candidates were able to
    campaign for the most part without interference. There were some
    electoral problems that were identified, and we hope that Armenia
    will work with the OSCE and others to ensure that the next election
    is even better.

    Private sector investors are looking for an open business climate with
    predictable rules; an independent judiciary; transparent regulations,
    taxes, and customs. And we are pleased at the progress Armenia has
    made, and we encourage that even more progress occur this year. I
    am convinced that unleashing the Armenian people's entrepreneurial
    energy can transform the economy, and we look forward to being your
    partner in doing that.

    Of course, the president and I had a serious discussion of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, including the most recent incidents along the front
    lines. While I had only just learned of these incidents, I am very
    concerned about the danger of escalation of tensions and the senseless
    deaths of young soldiers and innocent civilians. The use of force
    will not resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and therefore force
    must not be used. And we are calling on everyone to renounce force
    as well as refraining from violence. I assured the president that I
    would make these points in Baku when I am there the day after tomorrow.

    Now, these incidents underscore the necessity to try to keep making
    progress on the peace process. As a co-chair of the Minsk Group,
    the United States is committed to working with all the parties to
    find a way forward. And I am very committed that there has to be a
    way forward. And it's not only the actions of leaders; it must be the
    actions of citizens as well to try to find a way to enable people of
    the region to live together in peace and dignity.

    So there is a lot of work ahead of us, but I am very pleased to
    have this opportunity to have come to catch up with my friend and
    colleague, Eduard, as well as to see the president again to review
    very broadly regional and global matters as well as our bilateral
    relations. And I think it's important that we keep working together,
    because I believe Armenia has a very positive and bright future ahead.

    Thank you.

    QUESTION: Secretary Clinton, you're visiting three South Caucasus
    nations at a time of great economic and political change as well as
    great challenges: Armenia-Azerbaijan, Armenia-Turkey, Azerbaijan-Iran,
    Georgia-Russia. What does the United States doing to try to open up
    some of those relationships, especially here in Armenia where there's
    trade neither with Turkey nor Azerbaijan?

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, our greatest interest is to see Armenia
    and Turkey move together toward normalization. We strongly support
    the efforts that have been made. We have urged the ratification of
    the normalization protocols without preconditions. As I said when
    I was here two years ago, the ball remains in Turkey's court. And
    I am encouraged that there is more public discussion in Turkey and
    Armenia about these issues, because I think honest, open, constructive
    conversations are important for both sides to move forward.

    With respect to Armenia and Azerbaijan, there is no linkage between
    the protocols process and the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations. Those
    are separate. But we are equally engaged and pushing hard to try to
    achieve a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh matter.

    So on both of these issues in the region, the United States has
    been and will remain very actively involved. We believe that these
    are countries that should have open borders, should work together,
    should trade, should have people-to-people exchanges, because we
    think that it would be mutually beneficial to all concerned. And one
    of the reasons for my visit today is to continue working on these
    two separate but very important processes.

    MODERATOR: (Inaudible.)

    QUESTION: (In Armenian.)

    SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, as I said, I am very concerned by these
    incidents and have called on all parties, all actors, to refrain from
    the use or threat of force, because there is no military solution to
    this conflict. It can only be resolved at the negotiating table. And of
    course, there is a danger that it could escalate into a much broader
    conflict that would be very tragic for everyone concerned.

    And so the United States, along with the Minsk Group, is committed
    to doing everything we can. And I discussed some specific ideas with
    the president and the foreign minister today. I made it clear to the
    president that the United States believes that a peace settlement
    must be based upon Helsinki principles, the non-use of force or the
    threat of force, territorial integrity, and the equal rights and
    self-determination of peoples. And you can't take one out. They have
    to be an integrated whole in order to arrive at a sustainable solution.

    So we will continue with our efforts. Later this month, the foreign
    ministers will be meeting. And we're going to be putting ideas forth,
    because we think it's in everyone's interest to focus on achieving
    a breakthrough solution and avoiding the escalation of violence.



    PRN: 2012/T64-11

    From: Baghdasarian