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Clashes Dash Hopes Of Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Agreement

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  • Clashes Dash Hopes Of Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Agreement


    Business New Europe ement
    June 6 2012

    Eight soldiers were shot dead in clashes on the border between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan on June 4 and 5. The worst outbreak of violence between
    the two countries for years has raised fears of another escalation
    in the conflict between the pair.

    Three Armenian soldiers were killed and several soldiers from both
    countries injured in a shootout on June 4, which Armenia's Defence
    Ministry said was caused by an "invading" group from Azerbaijan. The
    shootings, happened during US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's
    visit to the volatile South Caucaus region.

    The following day, five Azeri soldiers were killed in two separate
    incidents. A statement from Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defence said that
    a group of Armenian "saboteurs" tried to "infiltrate a position of the
    Azeri armed forces" early on June 5, and four Azeri soldiers died in
    the ensuing battle. A fifth soldier died in a nearby skirmish later
    in the day. On the evening of June 5, Armenian news portal
    quoted the head of the village of Movses near the border as saying
    that shooting had continued through the day.

    Despite the signing of a ceasefire agreement in May 1994, Armenia and
    Azerbaijan have never signed a peace settlement to end the war that
    broke out in the early 1990s over Nagorno-Karabakh. The tiny republic,
    which was part of the Soviet republic of Azerbaijan but had a mainly
    ethnic Armenian population, declared its independence in 1991. When
    Baku tried to regain control by force, Azeri forces were driven out
    by Karabakhis supported by the Armenian army.

    However, the shootings on June 4 and 5 took place on the border between
    Armenia proper and Azerbaijan, rather than on the de facto border
    dividing Azerbaijan from Nagorno-Karabakh, which has seen numerous
    clashes in the last 15 years. A total of 63 people have been killed in
    skirmishes between Armenia and Azerbaijan since the beginning of 2011.

    The latest incidents are, however, the deadliest for several years.

    There are growing concerns that rather than being isolated incidents,
    the clashes could escalate into a full-scale war between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan.

    Speaking in Yerevan on June 4, after the deaths of the three Armenian
    soldiers, Clinton said that there was a risk that violence could lead
    to a "broader conflict" in the region. "I am very concerned about the
    danger of escalation of tensions and the senseless deaths of young
    soldiers and innocent civilians. The use of force will not resolve
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and therefore force must not be used,"
    Clinton told journalists at a joint briefing with Armenian Foreign
    Minister Eduard Nalbandian.

    The situation looks eerily familiar. Another frozen conflict in the
    South Caucasus escalated into full-scale war in August 2008, following
    a similar series of incidents on the border between Georgia and the
    self-declared republic of South Ossetia in the first half of 2008. A
    five-day war promptly erupted between Georgia and Russia, which has
    consistently supported the breakaway republic.

    The clashes appear to cap for now efforts by the international
    community to bring about a peace settlement between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. The push had looked to be progressing in recent years
    following the election of new presidents in both countries.

    Azerbaijan's Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan in Armenia have both
    been more amenable than their predecessors to negotiations, and a
    series of meetings have taken place between the two heads of state -
    for the first time since 1994 - under the aegis of Russia's now-former
    President Dmitry Medvedev.

    However, the initial optimism that the regular meetings would lead
    to a breakthrough has faded. Warlike rhetoric has continued in
    both Baku and Yerevan, and military spending has continued to boost
    year-by-year (although oil-rich Azerbaijan has considerably out-spent
    its neighbour). While Nagorno-Karabakh is now de facto independent and
    closely integrated with Armenia, under international law it remains
    part of Azerbaijan, and Baku shows no sign of giving up its claim on
    the territory.
