June 6, 2012 - 17:55 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - On September 17-18, Ministry of Culture and Youth
Affairs of Nagorno Karabakh Republic jointly with Artsakh State
University and Kachar research center in Shushi organizes science
conference on "Shushi, the hearth of Armenian culture", dedicated to
500th anniversary of Armenian book printing.
According to Miasin.Ru, the conference aims to review the historical
stages and development of Armenian culture in NKR, peculiarity of
development of Shushi as Armenian culture hearth, center of different
spheres of art and Armenia's church life.
The conference is expected to address the following topics: "Armenian
periodic book printing in Shushi", "Archaeological culture in Shushi",
"Spiritual life in Shushi", "Development of art in Shushi".
From: A. Papazian
June 6, 2012 - 17:55 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - On September 17-18, Ministry of Culture and Youth
Affairs of Nagorno Karabakh Republic jointly with Artsakh State
University and Kachar research center in Shushi organizes science
conference on "Shushi, the hearth of Armenian culture", dedicated to
500th anniversary of Armenian book printing.
According to Miasin.Ru, the conference aims to review the historical
stages and development of Armenian culture in NKR, peculiarity of
development of Shushi as Armenian culture hearth, center of different
spheres of art and Armenia's church life.
The conference is expected to address the following topics: "Armenian
periodic book printing in Shushi", "Archaeological culture in Shushi",
"Spiritual life in Shushi", "Development of art in Shushi".
From: A. Papazian