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Details on Azerbaijani diversion operation in Karabakh

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  • Details on Azerbaijani diversion operation in Karabakh

    Details on Azerbaijani diversion operation in Karabakh
    June 10, 2012 | 00:11

    YEREVAN. - Junior Sergeant Vardan Ohanyan, who died during the
    diversion operations by the Azerbaijani side targeted at Horadiz,
    Karabakh, on Wednesday early in the morning, was 20 years old and was
    from Ashtarak, Armenian MOD representative Meri Sargsyan told Armenian Criminal case is instigated on his death.

    As Armenian informed earlier, an Azerbaijani
    intelligence-diversion unit once again attempted to infiltrate to an
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army military position stationed
    along the line of contact between the Karabakh-Azerbaijani opposing
    forces. This attempt was carried out on Wednesday at around 4:15am.
    But NKR Defense Army vanguard subdivisions resorted to a defensive
    battle and, as a result, drove the Azerbaijani unit back to its
    initial point.

    As a result of the skirmish, the adversary suffered considerable
    losses, but the Armenian side had losses, too. During the operation
    toward rendering the Azerbaijani diversion unit ineffective, Junior
    Sergeant Vardan Ohanyan was killed, privates Arayik Mavreyan and
    Volodya Tsatryan were wounded.
