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H. Abrahamyan: `Azerbaijan must get rude respond'

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  • H. Abrahamyan: `Azerbaijan must get rude respond'

    H. Abrahamyan: `Azerbaijan must get rude respond'

    `First, I want to express my condolences for the losses. Such policy
    by Azerbaijan is really troubling but as both US State Secteray and
    OSCE MG co-chairs announced the issue can not be solved by suing force
    and the problem must be settled only peacefully. I consider that
    Azerbaijani actions have been condemned and Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan also delivered speech. We have also discussed the issue in
    the Parliament and soon we will deliver announcement by the fractions.
    We will do everything in order to settle the issue peacefully. But if
    we are compelled a war then we are ready to protect our Motherland,
    our soldiers and our lands. Of course it is better to settle the issue
    peacefully. No war leads the nation and the country to something
    better. It only causes human and material losses'.

    Chairman of Armenian Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan told `Radio Liberty'
    while answering to the question whether the tensions on the border and
    Azerbaijani behavior may cause restarting of the war.

    `Radio Liberty' correspondent asked H. Abrahamyan to comment on S.
    Sargsyan's announcement over the tensions on Armenian-Azerbaijani
    border. `Don't you consider that our responds on the border may cause
    the equal attitude with Azerbaijan by the international society', the
    question was.

    `I consider that the respond must be certainly given. If they make
    provocation we can not keep silence. I agree with the President: they
    must get rude respond', Mr. Abrahamyan concluded.

    09.06.12, 14:23

    From: A. Papazian