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Regularity of `Randomness'

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  • Regularity of `Randomness'

    Friday, 08 June 2012 09:50

    In the recent days, there was sharp escalation of tension in the
    conflict zone, both in the Azerbaijani-Armenian and
    Azerbaijani-Karabakh sections of the line of contact between the armed
    forces of the conflicting parties. The information coming from the
    front reminds the chronicle of the war years - reports on the deceased
    and wounded on both sides.

    As you know, early in the morning of June 4, as a result of the attack
    attempted by an Azerbaijani sabotage group in the north-eastern
    section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, three Armenian soldiers
    were killed and some were wounded. A day later, on the night of 5th to
    6th June, the Azerbaijani party took military actions in three
    directions in the southern section of the line of contact between the
    armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan to capture the
    positions of the NKR Defense Army. During the fight, one soldier of
    the Karabakh Army was killed and two were injured.

    The first question that arises in such bloody incidents is "Who
    benefits from this?" Was it a coincidence or not, but the subversive
    actions of the Azerbaijani party coincided with the visit to the
    region of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who arrived just on
    June 4 in the first point of her visit - to Yerevan. If I may say so,
    there is even certain regularity in this "randomness". The skirmishes
    on the contact-line became permanent long ago, but the diversionary
    attacks of the enemy are not so frequent. In addition, it was noticed
    long ago that Azerbaijan usually undertakes such military provocations
    on the eve of a visit to the region of high-ranking officials or
    missions of foreign countries and international structures related to
    the issue of Karabakh settlement. And again, as a rule, official Baku
    hurries to present to the international community the perverted
    picture of the incident, blaming the Armenian party for the
    destabilization of the situation and the human losses.

    The fact of the above mentioned tragic events was not an exception.
    Thus, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry issued blatant disinformation,
    according to which "on June 5, at about 6:30 am, a group of saboteurs
    from Armenia attempted to penetrate into the positions of the
    Azerbaijani armed forces, but, after suffering losses, was forced to
    retreat". Obviously, the leadership of Azerbaijan takes its initiated
    escalation of tension (even better, in its opinion, with human losses)
    as a kind of instrument of pressure even on both Armenian parties,
    but, first of all, on the international mediators in order to require
    then sanctions against Armenia with all the ensuing consequences.

    We believe the answer to the question "Who benefits from this?" is
    clear. But, in this connection I would like to ask a question to the
    international mediators, in particular, the co-chairs of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. It is evident that such dangerous actions by Azerbaijan
    are a threat to the peace and stability in the South Caucasus region,
    bringing to naught all the efforts of Russia, the United States and
    France to intensify the negotiation process and to bring nearer the
    final solution to the issue. However, judging by the behavior of the
    mediators, another fact is obvious - they will not succeed in
    achieving a consensus between the parties, because they are looking
    for a compromise where it simply cannot be. We have repeatedly noted
    that the vicious practice of parity used by the OSCE Minsk Group, when
    the responsibility for the explosive situation created by Azerbaijan
    is equally assigned to all the parties to the conflict, corrupts
    official Baku and makes it "unable to negotiate". Similarly, during
    her visit to Yerevan Mrs. Clinton, expressing regret about the tragic
    incident on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, stated: "The use of force
    will not resolve the Karabakh conflict, and we are calling on all the
    parties to refrain from using force and violence". The appeal to "all
    the parties", while the main culprit of the provocation and soldiers'
    death is well known, is no more than an empty phrase.

    Such an amorphous position and statement of the mediators, having no
    desire to note the particular culprit of the destabilization and human
    losses and to apply internationally accepted sanctions to him, force
    the armed forces of Armenia and the NKR to impose their own sanctions
    on the aggressor. Both Yerevan and Stepanakert have repeatedly warned
    that they would certainly resort to retaliatory actions against
    Azerbaijan, which is entirely responsible for the gross violation of
    the cease-fire and the death of the Armenian soldiers. Word was always
    followed by deed, which has happened this time too, the results of
    which are not hidden even by the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan. But,
    is this a solution to the issue or is it what the mediators need? We
    don't think so. Hillary Clinton's visit to the region testifies to the
    importance that the U.S. pays to the South Caucasus. And if Washington
    and its partners in the Minsk Group are really interested in the
    stability and security in the region, they must act upon it.

    And our last question refers to the Azerbaijani society. When will it
    finally present a bloody bill to its own authorities, for which the
    lives of young Azerbaijanis are of no value, which was confirmed by
    the last war? The authorities that, for the sake of very shadowy
    political dividends, sacrifice the lives of the guys on both sides of
    the line of contact? Bloody contact...

    Leonid Martirossian
    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress