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If War Isn'T 'Large Scale', What Is It?

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  • If War Isn'T 'Large Scale', What Is It?

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:23:54 - 11/06/2012

    The Armenian commentators claim for whatever reason that there will
    not be a large-scale war. In addition, it is not clear whether the
    possibility of war is denied or whether a format is offered.

    No doubt there is no need to fall into a military psychosis and
    instill in public the consciousness of imminence of war. In addition,
    the question is what if there is no war in the region and to what
    extent Armenia will be involved in the war and whether the war between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan is a priority in a row of non-military actions
    which are taking place in the region.

    The next Armenian-Azerbaijani war will detonate a larger war
    or a larger regional war will lead to a war between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. The international propaganda links the beginning of a
    big war in the Near East with the problems of Iran and it would be
    good to distinguish the centers of initiative of this propaganda from
    possible comments, repetitions, copying.

    A war linked to the problems of Iran is used to intimidate the entire
    region, boost pressure on a number of states in the regions of the Near
    East and the South Caucasus. In any case, the war between Amrenia and
    Azerbaijan cannot be linked with the military actions by an Iranian
    scenario. The given war is possible only in relation to the goals and
    interests of Turkey which is increasingly acting as a restraint to
    the armed conflict, knowing that the inevitable defeat of Azerbaijan
    will put it in an ambiguous position.

    At the same time, Turkey is increasingly appearing in a situation of
    geopolitical isolation and blockade. Despite the favorable development
    of relations between the United States and Turkey over the past 18
    months, as well as the colorful perspectives declared by both sides,
    the fact is that the U.S.-Turkish relations are getting worse, and
    it has a key role to further developments in a number of regions.

    After the NATO summit in Chicago Turkey has definitely firmed its
    foothold in the newly created global security system and its role
    in the Euro-Atlantic Alliance looks more than destructive. Earlier,
    before the summit in Chicago, the Americans declared to the Turks that
    they did not accept their proposals and now they are free to move in
    any direction. It is possible that it was said in a different wording,
    more delicately, or even less delicately.

    Immediately after the Chicago summit Turkey applied to Shanghai
    Cooperation Organization quite demonstratively. What happened in the
    result of the Arab revolutions was a foreign political disaster for
    Turkey, not just a failure but real disaster because it had a long-term
    and irreversible importance, at least in a medium-term perspective.

    Ankara had expectations from Iraq which appeared in isolation from
    Turkey, and this isolation is intensified by the United States,
    Iran and Saudi, which is not paradoxical.

    Syria is the main hindrance on the way of Turkish expansion to the
    Near East. Egypt with its re-growing role in the Arab world will do
    everything it can to keep Turkey away from the region. In the Eastern
    Mediterranean a small but principally interested bloc of states is
    formed which are opposed to France. During the operation in Libya
    the French-British alliance presupposed the ineligibility of Turkey
    for participation in those events.

    The European states, not only France and Germany, which used to be
    opponents to the United States regarding the Turkish issue are becoming
    locomotives to the United States which is now considering Europe as
    the main direction of restraint of Turkish ambitions. The relations
    between Turkey and Russia have not become closer despite the worsening
    of the U.S.-Turkish relations. It should be noted that the Americans
    did not have a significant role in preventing the Turkish-Russian
    rapprochement. Turkish-Russian problems are "individual" and
    "self-sufficient" and practically do not need additional initiatives.

    In the Balkans the European Union is increasingly dissatisfied with
    Turkey's unilateral support to Muslim states and communities which
    it used to ignore.

    What has Turkey achieved in the Caucasus in the past decade? Even
    relations with Azerbaijan are questioned due to efforts to "improve"
    relations with Armenia. Only Georgia was a light stop in Turkey's
    regional policy. Georgia is an important element and partner of the
    policy of pan-Turkism and is consistently transforming to a satellite
    of Turkey and Azerbaijan, and it can be saved only by NATO membership,
    which is doubted. So, the Georgians should hide in NATO from Turks,
    not from Russians.

    Turkey's problems relating to isolation can be broken down to
    dozens of sub-problems and issues but it is understood that Turkey
    will demonstrate its role and capacity in the regions. Will in this
    connection its main reserve Azerbaijan be used which will be probably
    sacrificed for the interests of Turkish policy? A signal from Ankara
    will come one way or another, and Turkey will try not to participate
    in the war.

    Ankara may hope for the military success of Azerbaijan in the war with
    Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's defeat could definitely become a favorable
    result for Turkey because it could play an important role in preventing
    military actions and occupy a more important position in the region
    and in international politics.

    Turkey obviously dislikes the geopolitical arrangement of forces in
    the regions and it is set to change not only the balance of forces but
    also to correct political positions of different states. Nothing but
    war may lead to this new situation. Besides, one should be mindful
    that the leading states presume that this war will be controlled,
    and Turkey likes it, as it is trying to become a conductor in the
    regions, or maybe even the only conductor.

    However, the United States has certain interest in involving Turkey,
    if not in a war, at least in an acute confrontation in different
    regions, including Russia, which will not be understood fully and
    will be difficult to predict. By the way, recently the Armenian
    commentators said that accidental eruption of war is impossible. Now
    it is understood that military units of the Azerbaijani armed forces
    are led by morons who "declare war" by their own judgment.

    So, what about the "large-scale war" which is possible?

    (Article is based on information from open sources.)
