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The Most Dangerous Weapon Of Russia?

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  • The Most Dangerous Weapon Of Russia?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:25:08 - 12/06/2012

    There is an opinion that the criminal case on money laundering launched
    by the National Security Service against Civilitas foundation is a
    fragment of the fight between the U.S. and Russia for Armenia.

    No matter how primitive this scenario may seem, but it is evident
    that the Russian authorities are worried with Armenia~Rs inclination
    to the West. Moreover, the most pro-Western politician is called to
    be Serzh Sargsyan who didn~Rt find support in Moscow, and naturally
    turned to the West.

    It is also evident that closer to the presidential elections,
    Moscow will do a step to have Armenia back to the zone of Moscow~Rs
    unquestioning influence. Apparently, Russia~Rs project in Armenia will
    be Robert Kocharyan, who will most likely be introduced by Vladimir
    Putin when the latter arrives in Armenia in September right in the
    beginning of the presidential campaign.

    Robert Kocharyan~Rs interests in Armenia are promoted by the
    Prosperous Armenia party. But looking more attentively, the party and
    its leader Gagik Tsarukyan don~Rt take up steps to promote Kocharyan
    or to criticize severely Serzh Sargsyan. Say, Tsarukyan~Rs statement
    following the elections contained no criticism but only a promise to
    go on working in favor of the nation.

    While, Vartan Oskanian does not hide his critical moods towards Serzh
    Sargsyan. He has issued severe criticism on the elections calling
    them almost criminal. He is ascribed the refusal of the PAP to enter
    the ruling coalition.

    Many experts say that if the sole right of decision belonged to Gagik
    Tsarukyan, he would have sworn allegiance to Serge Sargsyan. But the
    political orientation of the party, apparently, is made by Vartan

    In fact, again according to the primitive pattern, Russia wants to
    bring Robert Kocharyan to power through Vartan Oskanian. And it cannot
    but worry the West. For this reason, we must assume that a criminal
    case against Oskanian is just most advantageous to Western forces.

    Paradoxically, but now Vartan Oskanian, who grew up and was educated
    in America and until recently was considered one of the pro-Western
    politicians in Armenia, started being perceived by the West as the
    most dangerous weapons of Russia.

    Many think that if Serzh Sargsyan wanted to neutralize the PAP,
    he would choose Gagik Tsarukyan, on whom tons of tax cases can be
    found. But if Serzh Sargsyan neutralizes Tsarukyan, his place will
    be taken by Oskanian and this will further strengthen the party. So,
    apparently, the decision was taken to start from Oskanian. While,
    it is always possible to come to terms with Tsarukyan.

    Armenia has once again been driven into the Procrustean bed of choosing
    between the two former presidents who do not enjoy public support. The
    choice between two unacceptable candidates is not an option. However,
    along with it, Armenia will have to choose between the directions
    of development - the West or North. And if the citizens of Armenia
    don~Rt their own word, do not refuse both candidates and do not take
    their destiny into their own hands, we will always be destined to
    play football. And then not only the diplomacy will be football,
    but the whole life.
