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Monte's Patriotism Should Be Disseminated In Generations

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  • Monte's Patriotism Should Be Disseminated In Generations


    11 June, 2012

    YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS: June 12 marks the day of death of
    Armenian national hero Monte Melkonyan. Pavel Manukyan, who has
    participated in military activities in Karvachar together with Monte,
    has given an interview to Armenpress.

    Speaking to Armenpress, Pavel Manukyan said Armenian people should
    keep Monte's commandments in their heart. Monte was one of the unique
    heroes, whom Armenian people owe a lot, he noted.

    The speaker said strong are the people who manage to retain their
    heroes. And from that viewpoint our heroes should be very "close"
    and available to growing generations, becoming an example with their
    life and activity, he underlined.

    The speaker advised young people to take from Monte his high
    patriotism. "If Monte had not come to Karabakh, we would give many
    victims. Monte has had a great contribution to the battles," Mr
    Manukyan said.

    Referring to the Azerbaijani recent provocations at the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Mr Mnaukyan noted that today Azerbaijan
    is in front of a dilemma - it must chose between concession and
    clashes. And Karabakh is ready for a clash.

    Monte Melkonyan was a famed Armenian commander during Nagorno-Karabakh

    Melkonian had no prior service record in any country's army before
    being placed in command of an estimated 4,000 men in the war. He had
    largely built his military experience beginning from the late 1970s
    and 1980s where he fought against the various splintering factions in
    the Lebanese Civil War, against Israeli troops in the Israeli invasion
    of Lebanon and was a member of the Armenian organization ASALA..

    An Armenian-American, Melkonyan left the United States and arrived
    in Iran in 1978 during the beginning of the 1979 Iranian Revolution,
    taking part in demonstrations against the Shah.

    Following the collapse of the Shah's monarchy in 1979, he traveled to
    Lebanon during the height of the civil war and served in an Armenia
    militia group in the Beirut suburb of Bourj Hammoud.

    In ASALA, he took part in the assassinations of several Turkish
    diplomats in Europe during the early to mid-1980s and was later
    arrested and sent to prison in France. In 1989, he was released and
    in the following year, acquired a visa to travel to Armenia.

    Throughout his tenure, Melkonyan carried several different aliases
    including "Abu Sindi", "Saro", "Timothy Sean McCormack" and "Commander
    Avo"; the last of which was the name addressed by troops under his
    command in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The last years of his life were spent fighting with the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army. Monte was killed in the abandoned
    Nagorno-Karabakh village of Merzuli in the early afternoon of June 12,
    1993, with controversial reports about the circumstances of his death
    and was subsequently buried at Yerablur cemetery in Yerevan, Armenia.

    He is revered as an Armenian national hero.
