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MKs: 'We Must Recognize Armenian Tragedy'

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  • MKs: 'We Must Recognize Armenian Tragedy'


    Knesset debates whether to recognize mass killing of Armenians by
    Ottoman Turks during World War I as genocide

    Moran Azulay Published: 06.12.12, 18:31 / Israel News

    The Knesset held a special session Tuesday on the mass killing of
    Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War I. "We must not politicize
    this matter," said Knesset Speaker Rivlin, adding that in spite of
    the sensitivity of the issue, there is no intention to blame Turkey
    or the current Turkish government.

    MK Zahava Gal-On, chairwoman of the Meretz faction, who initiated the
    discussion, said that in recent years "the Armenian genocide has been
    swept under the rug" due to foreign relations concerns.

    "Remembering and recognizing this genocide is our moral obligation.

    However, the timing of the discussion is problematic, when it is used
    for political bashing."

    Recognition of the Armenian genocide by Israel would enrage Turkey
    and further strain the already tense ties between the two countries.

    For years, Israel has refrained from commenting on the matter for
    fear of angering Turkey, which until recently was its closest ally in
    the Muslim world. But as ties have frayed under the Islamic-oriented
    rule of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Israel appears
    to be changing course.

    Armenian Death March

    The Armenian genocide remembrance day is marked every year on April
    24. The mass murders by the Ottoman Turks were carefully planned and
    executed during and after World War I. Hundreds of thousands were
    sent to labor camps.

    Finally, the Ottoman Turks chased the remaining Armenians from their
    villages to Syria in a death march. Women, children and elderly people
    marched for weeks without food or water, hunted down by soldiers
    and criminals. During the marches thousands were perished, murdered,
    raped and even burnt alive. In villages near the Black Sea, the Turks
    put the Armenians on boats and drowned them.

    Reports on the atrocities reached Europe and the US as early as 1915,
    which immediately condemned the acts and blamed the Ottoman regime for
    "crimes against humanity."

    The Ottoman massacre of the Armenians was the first genocide of the
    20th century, and remains the center of political debate. The Turks
    continue to deny the genocide, claiming that the Armenians were only
    transferred, and that deaths only occurred during the fighting between
    the Armenians and the Kurds.
