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Another Price Increase In Armenia

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  • Another Price Increase In Armenia

    Susanna Petrosyan

    Vestnik Kavkaza
    June 13 2012

    The dramatic increase of dollar at the local currency market became one
    of the most discussed themes in recent weeks in Armenia. During last
    few days dollar went up by 1.3 points (0.56%) and costs 411.03 drams.

    The course began to change in the beginning of 2012, by April dollar
    reached 386.15-392.16 drams, i.e. by 1.5%. In May dram devalued by
    3.5%. The dynamics caused panic at the currency market and among
    the population.

    The Armenia Central Bank Council registered that deepening of
    uncertainty in decisions on debt problems in the EU caused dramatic
    going-up of dollar toward currencies of basic partners of Armenia -
    the European Union and Russia. It reflected on the currency market
    of Armenia negatively.

    Many experts believe that swing of currencies is normal. There are
    two reasons for this: increase of demand on dollars at the internal
    market, and oil price fluctuations.

    Moreover, volumes of private transfers influence seriously the exchange
    course of dram. The role of private transfers is great in the Armenian
    economy. It concerns millions dollars. According to the former premier
    Grant Bagratyan, the dynamics of transfers changes from month to month,
    depending on inflows and outflows of labor migrants.

    However, some experts believe that dollar going-up has positive sides
    too. Those citizens who have dollar savings are in benefit.

    Furthermore, devaluation of the national currency causes export
    increase. Stabilization of dram can follow tourism season in Armenia,
    when tourists will exchange their currency into drams.

    Nevertheless, considering the fact that Armenia is mainly an importer,
    dollar course increase will lead to price increase: "Devaluation of
    dram will cause damage to the import sector first of all, because
    imported products' prices will increase," the chairman of the
    Republican Employers Union of Armenia, Gagik Makaryan, thinks.

    Vaagan Khachatryan, an expert on economics, notes that the state
    budget of Armenia presupposes 378.96 drams for one dollar, while
    today dollar costs 410-413 drams: "Serious problems will appear
    in local industry. In next 15_20 days prices will go up and local
    producers will have no resources to cover production expenses. We
    should impulse the Armenian economy artificially, but no steps are
    being made at the moment. The Armenian economy needs investment. The
    only way out is to establish beneficial conditions for investments,
    but we have to big taxes."

    Specialists are skeptical about return of dollar course at the previous
    level: "Experience shows that after going-up of dollar, there is no
    significant devaluation of it," the economic expert Aik Mnatsakanyan
    believes. Many experts predict further dollar course increase.
