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Armenia: Before And After DCFTA

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  • Armenia: Before And After DCFTA


    June 12 2012

    In February this year the European Union's Trade Policy Committee has
    unanimously decided to launch negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive
    Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) with Armenia. This agreement will largely
    eliminate trade barriers between the two sides, but the precondition
    is that Armenia's economy has to undergo considerable quality changes.

    DCFTA talks with the EU will start in June, but a preparatory meeting,
    a so called, "zero round" on the subject has already been held in

    The Policy Advisor on Trade at the EU Advisory Group to Armenia,
    Willem van der Geest explained in an interview to Mediamax and portal, what changes are going to take place in Armenia's
    economy and how long this will take.

    - Negotiations are starting between the EU and Armenia on a DCFTA
    agreement. How do you evaluate this stage of the negotiations and
    what questions are on the agenda?

    - It's absolutely right to say that the DCFTA negotiations are now
    starting. In 2009 the European Commission came with a very large fact
    finding mission to Armenia. They identified a whole number of areas,
    and then 3 areas were taken as key priorities. These were: technical
    barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary standards, as well
    as intellectual property rights. So the preparation has been going
    on for about three years, but on the 3-rd of May the first official,
    they call it "zero round" was held, it's really a preparatory meeting,
    during which it's discussed how these negotiations are done, what
    are the areas that will be covered etc.

    It took place in Brussels, and the official first round of the
    negotiations will take place in the middle of June in Brussels. It's
    too early to evaluate them at this stage. But the start of these
    negotiations was very constructive and positive. I think there is a
    good understanding between the EU and Armenia.

    - During your recent lecture at Russian-Armenian University you said
    that these negotiations can last for 3 years or more, depending on
    the speed at which Armenia implements economic reforms. There are
    actually some reforms taking place in the fields of food security,
    taxes and customs, antimonopoly regulation etc. In your opinion,
    will Armenia manage to reach the agreement in three years or this
    will become a longer story?

    - I think that 3 years is a realistic estimate. To say it can be done
    shorter is not realistic because there are many areas to be tackled.

    But fortunately Armenia already has quite a simple structure of
    customs tariffs, so shift will take place relatively easy. It's not
    such a large economy, so in that sense I think 3 years is a realistic
    estimate, it's definitely possible.

    - Does this transition suppose more legislative or administrative

    - A number of legislative changes have to take place, some institutions
    must become stronger and there has to be good implementation. In some
    areas, like, for example food safety, the work has already started: the
    government adopted a strategy for food safety in November 2011 and the
    work is already going on. In other areas work is still starting. For
    example very little has yet been done in the area of trade in services.

    So those areas still need to be tackled during the negotiations. And
    for some sectors where the changes are quite far reaching, more time
    is needed for complying with international standards, so there will
    be transition time after DCFTA comes into effect. For example certain
    industries will be given 2-3 years after the signing of DCFTA to
    comply with those standards.

    - It seems that economic reforms in Armenia are taking place slowly.

    When we compare economic reforms in Armenia and Georgia, it seems
    that although the same reforms are taking place in both countries,
    in Georgia they're taking place much faster than here. What's your

    - It's fair to say that the reforms are going a bit slowly, but it's
    not unusual. If we compare it to when a number of Central and Eastern
    European countries joined EU, like Bulgaria and Romania, it also took
    quite a number of years to pass the necessary legislative changes,
    make the necessary reorganization of the government agencies, so it's
    slow but not unusual.

    I don't really know enough about Georgia to compare, but it's true
    that some reforms were quite swift there, especially in 2004 and 2005.

    But there's a perception from the international observation, that some
    of the reforms there have not given the expected results. So sometimes
    it's better to go a bit slower but do it properly rather than do kind
    of popular movements and later find out that it doesn't work. So, as
    long as there's tangible and steady progress, a gradual approach is OK.

    - One of the major preconditions for DCFTA is free economic
    competitiveness in the internal market and strict regulation of
    monopolies. How is this process going to take place? What is Europe's,
    or, perhaps, world's best practice of stopping monopolies, especially
    when, and that's not a secret in Armenia, many of them are merged
    with the authorities?

    - Pushing monopolies back is crucial. In every economy, whether it's
    French or German, Armenia or Georgian, there are monopolies. There
    are certain monopolies that are called natural monopolies, because
    they're based on the networks, for example, airport, natural gas and
    electricity distribution, water, railway etc. They will always stay
    throughout the world. The key is that they are regulated. And the
    regulation must be such that a new entrepreneur can enter and use
    those networks.

    - But in Armenia there are dozens of unnatural monopolies. How should
    they be dealt with?

    - Here the issue of competition policy comes in. Entrepreneurs that
    wish to enter into a particular field, for example importing foodstuff,
    mobile phones, cars etc., must be sure that they're not hindered by
    existing operators.

    In European Union we have the Directorate General for Competition,
    which analyzes whether there are instances of price fixing between
    colluding groups or unfair competition, and they give major fines.

    There's famous example of Microsoft: European Commission fined
    Microsoft for $500 mln, because of the way they were handling their
    Internet Explorer. There are cases of even larger fines: Glass
    producers in France, Germany and Japan fixed the price amongst them,
    which is forbidden. The Commission found the evidence of that price
    fixing, it was a cartel, and they gave enormous fines: some [email protected]
    bln was to be paid by 3 companies, which were smashed.

    So what is important for Armenia is that the State Commission for
    Protecting Economic Competition (SCPEC) has sufficient powers to
    take those kinds of actions. They must have access to the accounts
    of companies that they suspect. For example they must be able to
    do surprise inspections. If they find that there is collusion, the
    penalty has to be so high, that the lawbreaker will not contemplate
    to do it again.

    Of course we know that companies will always try to make deals under
    the table. This is why the regulator needs to be stronger. And this
    is an example of legislative and institutional change that will have
    to take place in Armenia to deal with this problem.

    We cannot expect all monopolies to disappear overnight. It will take
    a long time, because they're strong and entrenched, maybe through
    corruption and bribery they get certain officials or administrations
    to help them, so I think that anticorruption drive has to be also part
    of these measures. It's a whole package, it's not only competition
    policy, you need several related measures.

    - What will actually change for an average Armenian firm, which is
    in trade relations with EU, after Armenia joins the DCFTA? What will
    change for EU resident companies, trading with or investing in Armenia
    and what will change for an average Armenian citizen?

    - Armenian firms in general will have better access to the European
    markets. So if they are exporting they'll find it easier to get into
    the European market. If they're dependent on inputs they import from
    Europe, they will find it easier to bring them into the country, so
    that will make them more competitive. There is small number of Armenian
    companies that are exporting to Europe but virtually every company
    is importing from Europe. About half of total imports come from the EU.

    What will change for EU resident companies: the DCFTA Chapter that
    will deal with services and investment will treat European companies
    the same way it treats Armenian national companies. So, they will
    find it easier to operate here. It will be more attractive and also
    more secure. So there'll be increase of investment, because of this
    change of regulations, which is good for Armenia from the growth
    point of view.

    It will take time for an average Armenian citizen to feel the change,
    because we're talking about time frame of 5-7 years until the changes
    take effect. But in the longer term there'll be a greater choice
    of goods in the markets. Goods will be somewhat cheaper because
    there will be less barriers on their entry. Of course the increase
    of exports will also lead to greater employment opportunities, so
    there will be more jobs.

    - Some Armenian businessmen doubt that DCFTA will somehow make it
    more difficult to do business in Armenia. What's your opinion?

    - I think that it's a misunderstanding and we are trying to explain
    it. Of course some industries will have to upgrade the quality of
    their production in order to get into foreign markets. This is the
    globalization; you cannot stay with low standards. People in Armenia
    don't want low standards either. Of course this is a challenge for
    many industries, but if they don't invest they will lose. And this
    is why we're talking about transition period, so we don't do it
    overnight and the industries will have from 2 to 5 years to improve
    their technology after the new regulations are adopted.

    For example, we say, that we want higher standards for food safety.

    This is also demand from ordinary consumers in Armenia, but at the same
    time this is a requirement for entering the EU market. So companies
    have to invest to meet those standards. There's no another way.

    Ruben Harutyunian talked to Willem van der Geest.

    From: A. Papazian