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Turkey's Repression Through Fragmentation

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  • Turkey's Repression Through Fragmentation

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:33:22 - 14/06/2012

    The Israeli Knesset considered the Armenian genocide issue and
    delegated the right to further consideration to the commission on
    education and culture. Knesset, naturally, didn't recognize the
    genocide, though it was stated that the Holocaust survivor Jewish
    people can't ignore such a tragedy of another nation. Moreover,
    it was stated that the deportation and annihilation of Anatolian
    Armenians in the Syrian deserts is an indisputable fact.

    The world is actively getting ready for the year 2015, and if Turkey
    does not take up relevant steps, not only the U.S. but also Israel
    will recognize the Armenian genocide. By then, the Syrian issue may
    be resolved, and the Syrian Kurds may unite with their Iraqi fellows
    stating about the creation of a Big autonomy. Then, only the Turkish
    Kurdistan will lack from the map of the Kurds. The recognition of the
    Armenian genocide in 2015 and following territorial claims to Turkey
    may help the establishment of the Kurdish state.

    Most likely, Turkey understands where the political developments in the
    region lead, but it hopes to benefit even from unbeneficial events,
    understanding that it will be impossible to stop them. One of the
    ways to keep the territories, at least on square and not borders, is
    Azerbaijan's rendering into a strong outpost. And we need to suppose
    that the main efforts of Turkey in the nearest future will be directed
    to ensuring concessions on Karabakh by Armenia in exchange of opening
    of the borders.

    It is left to Armenia in this process not to yield to the provocations
    and intimidation and go on its line, which this time, matches with
    the intentions of world centers.

    It is noteworthy that the U.S. nominated Richard Morningstar for the
    position of the U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan, who is just engaged
    in separating energy projects from international and conflict issues.

    Yesterday, the first hearing on his candidacy was held in the U.S.
    Senate, and apparently, the Armenian lobby will not resist to his
    appointment. This means that the Ambassador won't lead a policy of
    connecting the Armenian-Turkish issue with the Karabakh conflict,
    like Mathew Bryza did, but to the contrary, he will try to prove that
    the opening of borders for energy projects even without the final
    settlement of the conflict, is much more beneficial.
