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Menendez, Shaheen Denounce Azeri Attacks During Morningstar Hearing

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  • Menendez, Shaheen Denounce Azeri Attacks During Morningstar Hearing


    Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

    Morningstar during Wednesday's Senate panel hearing

    WASHINGTON-Azerbaijan's escalation of violence against Armenia
    and Nagorno Karabakh and ongoing repression of human rights took
    center stage during Wednesday's Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    confirmation hearing for U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan designee Richard
    Morningstar, reported the Armenian National Committee of America.

    In successive questions, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on
    Europe Chairwoman Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Senator Robert Menendez
    sent a clear message that U.S. - Azerbaijan relations should not solely
    be founded on energy concerns and must reflect the fundamental issues
    of democracy building and human rights as well as finding a peaceful
    and lasting resolution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

    Sen. Menendez "We join with Armenians in New Jersey, New Hampshire
    and across America in thanking Senators Menendez and Shaheen for
    shining a spotlight on the failure of the Obama Administration to
    stand up to Azerbaijan's escalating threats and acts of anti-Armenian
    aggression and worsening human rights record," said ANCA Executive
    Director Aram Hamparian. "We were especially gratified, in light of
    Baku's recent cross-border attacks into both Armenia and Nagorno
    Karabakh that Senator Menendez was able to secure assurances from
    Ambassador-designate Morningstar regarding the very strict scrutiny
    that should be applied to any potential U.S. military transfers or
    sales to an Azerbaijani government that has openly pledged to use
    its growing arsenal to renew its aggression."

    US-Azerbaijan Relationship More than Energy "Azerbaijan's integration
    with the West can and must span well beyond pipelines," said
    Ambassador-designate Morningstar in his prepared testimony, after
    underscoring the broad levels of energy and security cooperation
    between the U.S. and the Caucasus nation. "The United States must
    also continue to work with Azerbaijan on advancing democratic and
    economic reforms, including promoting respect for the rule of law,
    transparency, and fundamental freedoms." Morningstar went on to cite
    that "to achieve a more secure and prosperous future for the region,
    there is no higher immediate priority for the United States than the
    peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict."

    Senator Menendez Condemns Azerbaijani Aggression; Demolition of Djulfa
    Cemetery In his questions to Morningstar, Sen. Menendez called specific
    attention to recent cross-border attacks by Azerbaijan against Armenia,
    threats by President Aliyev that "Armenian will live in fear," and
    the assertion that "Our [Azerbaijan's] main enemies are Armenians of
    the world." Menendez continued, asking "do you think, based upon those
    types of statements, that the proposed sales of military hardware to
    be used in conjunction with Azerbaijan's military helicopter fleet
    is really in the national interest of the United States?"

    Morningstar responded that "that it is fair to say, and I will say,
    that any language that is counterproductive, such as you have said,
    that any actions by any party that bring about loss of life, as the
    Secretary of State said last week, create increased tensions, can
    create escalations that can have unpredictable and unforeseeable
    consequences and make even more difficult the task of achieving
    the settlement in Nagorno Karabakh." He stopped short, however,
    of expressly calling out the Azerbaijani Government's aggression
    against Armenia.

    In terms of military sales to Azerbaijan, Morningstar argued,
    "There are increasing tensions with respect to other neighbors,
    in particular with Iran. And we have to provide, I think, security
    assistance, possibly military assistance in ways that cannot be
    used to exacerbate any situation with respect to Armenia or Nagorno
    Karabakh." Menendez was quick to respond, reminding Morningstar that
    "I didn't hear President Aliyev say 'My main enemy or security concern
    is Iran,' he said that, 'Our main enemies are the Armenians of the
    world.' [. . .] I have a real problem with going ahead and selling
    military hardware to the Azerbaijanis based upon what has happened."

    In response to Sen. Menendez's question about why the Azerbaijani
    destruction of the Armenian cemetery in Djulfa was not included in
    the State Department Religious Freedom Report, Morningstar replied,
    ". I don't know. But I can say that if I am confirmed I will make every
    effort to visit the cemetery and that any kind of desecration such as
    that is unacceptable, outrageous and I will do my best to get there,
    and soon." Menendez continued undeterred, stating that "I would assume
    the only impediment to your best effort will be the Azerbaijanis not
    letting you go? I'm trying to understand what your "best effort" is?

    You're going to do everything possible to go?" referencing the Aliyev
    regime's refusal to allow former Ambassador Bryza to visit the region.

    "Yes," replied Morningstar.

    As with past nominees, Sen. Menendez pressed Morningstar regarding
    his position on the proper recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
    asking "I don't expect you to answer any differently than I have had
    previous nominees before this committee do, but I have to ask you
    whether or not you contest any of the facts what transpired in 1915
    as it relates to 1.5 million Armenians who were brutally massacred
    and marched to their deaths in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire?"

    Morningstar replied "No, I do not."

    Sen. Shaheen Senator Shaheen focused her questions on Azerbaijan's
    human rights record and urged Morningstar to do more than "jawboning"
    in terms of getting positive movement with regards to democracy
    building efforts in the country. She went on to ask Morningstar
    about the effect of Israel's proposed $1.5 Billion arms sale and
    its affects on regional stability. In his opening remarks, Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry cited the importance of
    finding a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Ranking
    Republican Richard Lugar (R-IN) focused his questions on the energy
    sector and Azerbaijan's role in the region.

    Watch the complete video of the session on the Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee Web site.
    Senators have an additional day to submit written questions to
    Ambassador-designate Morningstar. No date has yet been scheduled for
    the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation vote.
