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Armenian Expert On Azerbaijan's Regional Security Claims

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  • Armenian Expert On Azerbaijan's Regional Security Claims


    Russia is not so active as it was before in the Nagorno-Karabakh
    peace process.

    The West, in turn, is more interested in enhancing its role in the
    region, Edgar Hovhannisyan, Director of the National Archive of
    Armenia, told journalists on Thursday.

    In this context, he recalled the visits by US Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton and OSCE Chairman-in-Office Eamon Gilmore, with the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict being the central issue.

    Hovhannisyan does not think that the western diplomats avoided
    addressing messages to Azerbaijan thereby inciting it to further
    actions. In any case, the Armenian side must realize all of its
    commitments. "We must remember the main thing: they say there must
    be a peaceful settlement, devising means of punishment. They think
    they are making balanced statements. Far from being optimistic that
    the mechanism will ensure a settlement of the conflict, we must rely
    on ourselves," he said.

    Azerbaijan is not inclined to start a new war. "First, the war has
    not ended. Hostilities will not begin because it is not only battle
    readiness, but also geopolitical developments, that must considered,"
    he said.

    With respect to Azerbaijan's acts of sabotage, Hovhannisyan said:
    "They just wanted to show the regional security depended on their
    will. This is a means of selling itself to the West and getting
    concessions. The major concession is that the West should turn a blind
    eye to nepotism in Azerbaijan, and President Ilham Aliyev run for the
    third presidential term, which is considered undemocratic by the West."

    The Azeri president's global task is to wait until his son Heydar
    comes of wage and hand the power over to him.

    Azerbaijan is implementing an "oily policy" for the purpose of getting
    concessions from the West.

    Azerbaijan has problems with all of its neighbors, Iran,
    Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, as well as with Georgia because of
    territory, and with Turkmenistan because of the Caspian oil reserves.

    "To put it mildly, Azerbaijan is not on friendly terms with Russia
    as well," he said.

    The counterbalance to Azerbaijan's arms aimed at Nagorno-Karabakh is
    an efficient army, correct foreign policy and respect for democratic

    From: Baghdasarian