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Threat of war grows in the Caucasus

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  • Threat of war grows in the Caucasus

    World Socialist Web Site
    June 15 2012

    Threat of war grows in the Caucasus
    By Clara Weiss
    15 June 2012
    In the Caucasus, where US geopolitical interests collide with those of
    Russia and Iran, the danger of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over
    Nagorno-Karabakh is growing.

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who visited Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, and Georgia on June 4-6, poured more oil on the fire.

    The territorial dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh, to which both Armenia
    and Azerbaijan lay claim, goes back more than a hundred years, and
    broke out again with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Military
    conflicts have continued since the late 1980s and the independence of
    both countries. Some 25,000 people were killed in the 1991-1994 war
    and over a million displaced.

    The region, today mostly inhabited by Armenians, belongs to Azerbaijan
    under international law, and therefore counts as being `occupied' by
    Armenia; both countries are still officially at war. Since 2010 there
    have been increasing clashes on the border.

    Hillary Clinton's visit to the region was accompanied by a new
    escalation of the conflict. Since the beginning of June, twenty
    Armenians and eight Azerbaijanis, including civilians, have been
    killed. Many media outlets now speak of a `war situation.'

    The United States and the European powers are using the conflict to
    push back Russian influence in the region, which belonged to the
    Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. But they are not united
    amongst themselves. While France has supported Armenia, which also has
    Russian backing, the US works closely with Azerbaijan, Turkey and
    Georgia and also tries to draw Armenia to its side.

    The US has expanded its influence in the region since the 1990s, much
    to the detriment of Russia and Iran. In particular, the Georgian `Rose
    Revolution' of 2003, in which they helped the current president
    Mikhail Saakashvili to power, was a milestone in this regard. Both
    Georgia and Azerbaijan are close US allies and are armed by Washington
    militarily. Both countries belong to the so-called `Southern
    Corridor', through which existing and planned pipelines bypass Russia
    delivering oil and gas from the Caspian region to Europe.

    The US has tried so far to avoid a renewed military conflict between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, since a war between the two countries might
    endanger American and European interests and could lead to a major
    confrontation with Russia and Iran.

    During Clinton's visit to the Caucasus, the New York Times warned:
    `America and Europe can no longer keep the Nagorno-Karabakh talks on
    the back burner. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev faces domestic
    pressures to act, but Europe and America should caution him about the
    adverse consequences, notably a broader regional war. Energy
    investment in Azerbaijan and a major new gas pipeline to Europe,
    Nabucco, could become casualties.'

    Nabucco is an EU pipeline project to deliver gas from Central Asia to
    Central Europe bypassing Russia. For several months it has been
    threatened with collapse.

    During her visit, Hillary Clinton said that the conflict must be
    resolved peacefully. The next peace talks are due to take place on
    June 18 in Paris.

    In recent years, the US has focused on building better relations with
    Armenia, to bring it closer to Turkey, a NATO member state. During her
    visit, Clinton stressed the importance of developing bilateral
    relations between the two countries.

    Washington is trying to isolate Russia and Iran in the Caucasus, and
    to win Armenia for Trans-Caspian pipeline projects. Armenia is the
    last country with which Russia'and to some extent Iran'can assert
    influence in the region.

    The tense relations between Moscow and Washington, as well as US and
    Israeli war preparations against Iran, threaten a regional war in the
    Caucasus that could rapidly escalate into a conflict between the great

    Russia, which maintains its only military base in the Caucasus in
    Armenia, has signed a treaty to provide military assistance to Yerevan
    in case of war. The New York Times reported on June 11 that Russian
    military aircraft have held numerous exercises over Armenia. Russian
    colonel Igor Gorbul told the Russian news agency Interfax that Russian
    pilots were preparing for combat operations.

    Iran, too, is expected to stand on Armenia's side. Russian commentator
    Andrei Smirnov wrote recently: `Iran will also not allow the loss of
    Nagorno-Karabakh by ??Armenia. In the case of such a scenario, it
    would send troops into the region, because it is also a matter of life
    and death for Iran. The only open question now, is what will start
    sooner'war against Iran or in Nagorno-Karabakh.'

    The US would likely stand by Azerbaijan. The country is not only an
    important energy supplier and transit corridor for Central Asian and
    Caspian gas, but also of great military and strategic importance.
    Israel and the US have systematically armed its navy and army in
    preparation for war against Iran. (See: `Growing tensions between Iran
    and Azerbaijan')

    Baku has already supported the US-led wars in Iraq, Kosovo and
    Afghanistan. About one third of the NATO troops deployed in
    Afghanistan pass through the Caspian republic.

    During her talks with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev, Hillary Clinton
    announced a further expansion of military and economic relations
    between the two countries and praised the participation of Azerbaijan
    in this year's NATO summit. This year, for the first time, Baku
    participated in a summit of the alliance, while Russian President
    Vladimir Putin refused to attend amid growing tensions with the US and

    Clinton's visit to Georgia further fuelled tensions with Russia. Since
    the Rose Revolution of 2003 and the Caucasus war of 2008'which Georgia
    waged against Russia, with US support, over the regions of South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia'relations between Tbilisi and Moscow have been

    At the beginning of the year, Georgia issued so-called `neutral'
    passports to the residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, to replace
    Russian passports. According to Russian media reports, the passports
    were issued by the Georgian Interior Ministry, and so are hardly
    `neutral'. During her visit, Clinton said that Washington would
    recognize these passports.

    The spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander
    Lukaschewitsch then declared: `Unfortunately, the statements by Mrs.
    Clinton in Georgia show that Washington has not learnt from the events
    in the Caucasus in August 2008.'
