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Parliament of Israel discusses `genocide'

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  • Parliament of Israel discusses `genocide'

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    June 14 2012

    Parliament of Israel discusses `genocide'

    Israel's Parliament on June 12 held a discussion marking the Turkish
    mass killings of Armenians, in a move likely to further strain already
    tense relations with Ankara.

    `It is our moral obligation to remember and remind others of the
    tragedy that befell the Armenian people, who lost over a million of
    their sons during the First World War,' speaker Reuven Rivlin told

    The discussion was the third consecutive year in which the Israeli
    Parliament has held such a hearing to commemorate `the anniversary of
    the killing of the Armenian people.' Rivlin said that recognizing the
    tragedy was not meant to cast blame on modern Turkey and was not
    `against the present Turkish government.'

    Hitler example
    `Perhaps the government of Israel will at last recognize, like 27
    other countries around the world, the massacre of the Armenian
    people,' Agence France-Presse quoted Zehava Galon of the opposition
    Meretz party as telling parliament.

    Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, who represented the government
    during the discussion, said the Knesset should seriously debate the
    issue, and recognize it as genocide if it reaches that conclusion.
    National Union lawmaker Arieh Eldad called on Turkey to recognize its
    responsibility for its `historical crime,' which he said included
    children being `put into cellars and gassed.'

    According to Jerusalem Post, Eldad quoted Adolf Hitler as having said
    `Who remembers what happened to the Armenians?' after he was asked
    what the world would say about his Final Solution against the Jews.
