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OSCE slams recent violence between Azerbaijan, Armenia

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  • OSCE slams recent violence between Azerbaijan, Armenia

    Chicago Tribune, IL
    June 14 2012

    OSCE slams recent violence between Azerbaijan, Armenia

    BAKU (Reuters) - Azerbaijan and Armenia should pull back snipers from
    their border areas and agree on a mechanism for investigating
    incidents, the OSCE said on Thursday, in the wake of skirmishes
    between the arch rivals that have killed nine people.

    The two countries have accused each other of triggering the recent
    cross-border clashes which have prompted worries of a resumption of
    fighting in a region criss-crossed by energy pipelines to Europe.

    The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) urged
    both sides to show restraint and end the violence.

    "The cycle of violence must stop - this conflict will not be resolved
    by the use of force," said the OSCE chairperson-in-office, Irish
    Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore, at a news conference in the Azeri
    capital Baku.

    Clashes took place on both sides of the shared border between the two
    countries as well as around breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh, which split
    off from Muslim Azerbaijan with the help of Christian Armenia when the
    Soviet Union collapsed.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who visited the region last
    week, voiced concern the violence could lead to a "much broader
    conflict". ID:nL5E8H4CSZ]


    War between ethnic Azeris and Armenians erupted in 1991 over the
    mainly Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region. A ceasefire was signed in
    1994, but sporadic violence still flares along Azerbaijan's border
    with Armenia and a frontline with Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Nagorno-Karabakh has run its own affairs with the heavy military and
    financial backing of Armenia since the war, when Armenian-backed
    forces seized control of the enclave and seven surrounding Azeri
    districts forming a land corridor with Armenia.

    Russia, France and the United States have led years of mediation
    efforts under the auspices of the OSCE.

    Baku and Yerevan failed to agree at talks in June last year and the
    angry rhetoric between them has worsened since then. Foreign ministers
    of the two countries plan to meet again on June 18 in Paris.

    Oil-producing Azerbaijan, host to oil majors including BP, Chevron and
    ExxonMobil, frequently threatens to take the mountain enclave back by
    force, and is spending heavily on its armed forces.

    Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov said on Thursday Azerbaijan
    was ready to remove snipers from the conflict zone if Armenia would
    start withdrawing its forces from the Azeri territories.

    "If Armenia does not want its soldiers to die, it should withdraw its
    forces from Azeri territories," Mamedyarov told a news conference. "If
    it happens, there will be no need for snipers."

    (Reporting by Lada Evgrashina; additional reporting and writing by
    Margarita Antidze in Tbilisi; Editing by Sophie Hares),0,2854735.story
