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Wedding Brawl: Over 100 Drunken Guests Ruin Nuptials, Start Brawl

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  • Wedding Brawl: Over 100 Drunken Guests Ruin Nuptials, Start Brawl

    Huffington Post
    June 13 2012

    Wedding Brawl: Over 100 Drunken Guests Ruin Nuptials, Start Brawl In
    Glendale, Calif.

    Posted: 06/13/2012 6:26 pm Updated: 06/13/2012 6:29 pm

    Here's the ultimate wedding nightmare: 100 drunken, belligerent
    wedding guests brawling at your reception.

    Sadly, this was the reality for one Glendale, Calif. couple when their
    wedding celebration ended in chaos. On Saturday, police were called
    when over 100 guests started a violent brawl at the couple's
    reception, reports The Los Angeles Times.

    One guest, 36-year-old Karpis Termendzyan, allegedly spit on an
    officer, tried to elbow two other officers and kicked in the rear
    window of a patrol car, according to police reports. Termendzyan was
    arrested on suspicion of vandalism and battery.

    Another guest, 22-year-old Spartak Karabedian, was arrested for public
    drunkenness by police. Karabedian allegedly started the fight inside
    the reception, according to the Times.

    Sound crazy? Unfortunately, these guests aren't the only ones who have
    gotten out of hand at a wedding. Click through the slideshow below to
    read five stories of drunken wedding guest antics, then share your own
    horror stories in the comments. hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false#sb=1405915,b=faceb ook
