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AYF Seminar Explores Liberation Movements Past and Present

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  • AYF Seminar Explores Liberation Movements Past and Present

    AYF Seminar Explores Liberation Movements Past and Present

    Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

    Some of the AYFers at the Seminar


    `We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being,
    to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human
    being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to
    bring into existence by any means necessary,' said Malcolm X in 1965,
    the year he was assassinated.

    `By Any Means Necessary,' a phrase first used by French philosopher
    Jean Paul Sartre and later popularized by Malcolm X, was the theme of
    the Armenian Youth Federation's (AYF) 2012 Educational Seminar which
    took place over the June 1-3 weekend, educating participants about
    freedom fighters from the past and present.

    The seminar, which hosted a number of members from the AYF, local
    Armenian Students' Associations and other young Armenians, sought to
    foster a spirit of social awareness by examining the liberation
    movements of different peoples including, but certainly not limited
    to, Armenians.

    `It is imperative for young Armenians to have opportunities to discuss
    historical liberation movements,' said Tamar Baboujian, Executive
    Director of AYF Camp and former AYF member, who was also a discussant
    at the seminar. `It broadens their perspective and evokes compassion
    for people internationally.'

    Jumpstarting the weekend's lecture series with a video presentation
    and discussion about Guerilla movements was Baboujian, along with
    Razmig Sarkissian and Berj Parseghian, who is pursuing a Masters in
    Education and has a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the
    University of California, Santa Barbara.

    The presentation used multimedia from manifestos written by the likes
    of Che Guevara and Mao Tse-Tung, to video clips of the films `Malcolm
    X' (1992), `The Motorcycle Diaries' (2004) and `The Weather
    Underground' (2002), covering a breadth of issues from effective
    guerilla tactics, the American Civil Rights movement, Latin American
    liberation struggles, and anti-Vietnam activists.

    Each clip was followed by insightful commentary from participants and
    vibrant discussions about core issues underpinning these movements
    such as the costs and benefits of non-violent vs. violent approaches
    to a cause.

    The following day, Jovian Radheshwar, a lecturer in Political Theory
    at California State University Channel Islands and Ph.D. candidate at
    UCSB, gave a lecture about cultural and ideological awareness, the
    effects of imperialism and globalization, and the India-Pakistan

    Among the many themes Radheshwar's lecture covered were `revolutionary
    solidarity' and `radical awareness of reality.'

    To explain the concept of `revolutionary solidarity,' Radheshwar used
    the example of local shopkeepers during the riots in Britain a few
    years ago. The riots were led by members of the working class, but did
    not have wide-spread support among all in the working class. Many
    local shopkeepers called on the police to stop the riots, even though
    the cause included them as well, so that they could resume their
    day-to-day business. Revolutionary solidarity would have entailed the
    shopkeepers supporting the cause despite the short-term business loss
    due to the riots.

    Revolutionary solidarity, thus, is realizing that outside one's
    individual community are others in similarly oppressed conditions, and
    breaking down boundaries to identify with their cause as well, because
    at the end of the day their cause is your cause.
    This ties into the concept of being `radically aware of one's reality'
    in the sense that you need to be aware and almost hyper-conscious of
    happenings in the realm of politics, society, culture, philosophy and
    anything else, and be a contemporary of the world. Otherwise you lack
    the tools and knowledge necessary to be a true socialist or

    Leading the next lecture was Allen Yekikian, Chief Technology Officer
    at Operation HOPE with a background in Armenian history, who discussed
    Armenian liberation in the 19th century, and the impact the `Zartonk'
    movement had in shaping Armenian identity and future generations of
    freedom fighters.

    `Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are today what
    the printing press and newspapers were in the 19th century for the
    group of intellectual Armenians who manufactured and disseminated the
    `Zartonk' cultural awakening to the oppressed and impoverished
    Armenian masses,' said Yekikian.

    His take-home message was that an entire cultural renaissance was born
    with technology we consider crude today, and that the opportunity is
    ripe to create an `iZartonk' with the unimaginable technology, means,
    and capabilities offered in today's digital environment.

    Wrapping up the weekend's lecture-series was Nora Injeyan, who is
    pursuing a Masters in History with an emphasis on modern Armenian
    history from the University of California, Irvine.

    She explained the conditions which led to the fall of the Soviet Union
    and gave birth to Armenia's second independence, such as
    democratization of the political system, and the liberalization of
    cultural expression all ushered in by Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet
    Union's last leader. Injeyan then turned the focus to the current
    problems facing Armenia today.

    Participants collaboratively identified some of those challenges as
    widespread electoral corruption, poor economy, and an emigrating
    population. This led to a vibrant discussion of the causes of those
    problems, and a lengthy brainstorm about the ways in which Diasporan
    activism can aid this still-infant nation.

    `It was very reinvigorating to interact with AYF members discussing
    broader issues of liberation and how to draw lessons from other
    struggles relevant to our community today,' said Myrna Douzjian,
    Director for the weekend's seminar and a former AYF member, who is
    pursuing a PhD in Comparative Literature in Russian and Armenian from
    the University of California, Los Angeles. `Participants delved into
    the core of what it means to be an Armenian activist today, all while
    exploring and analyzing other national movements,' Douzjian added.

    Freedom fighters challenge mankind's history of conflict, oppression
    and injustice by fighting for the empowerment and liberation of the
    oppressed. This fight is sometimes physical but more often a
    metaphysical one, aimed at overturning dominant societal conceptions
    and norms. In order to bring into existence a world devoid of violence
    where the rights of all human beings are tolerated, our generation
    must arm itself with the knowledge of past and present struggles
    against oppression, be emboldened by the determination of past freedom
    fighters, and practice revolutionary solidarity to fight injustices
    anywhere they may occur against any group of people, by any means

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress