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Azerbaijan under psychological attack - expert

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  • Azerbaijan under psychological attack - expert

    Azerbaijan under psychological attack - expert
    June 16, 2012 | 15:36

    YEREVAN. - Azerbaijan is seriously and moral-psychologically attacked,
    military expert David Jamalyan said commenting on June incidents,
    series of Azerbaijani provocations at the line of contact and the
    response by the Armenian side.

    Expressing deep condolence on the death of Armenian servicemen due to
    Azerbaijani provocations, the expert stressed that the
    counter-response by the Armenian side had a deep resonance.

    In fact, Azerbaijan undertook series of provocative actions, suffered
    losses, over 47 people according to some reports, and all was in vain.
    This fact had de-moralizing influence and the Azerbaijani army started
    to realize that they are led to death, without counting losses.
    According to Jamalyan, the sharper the counter-response to Azerbaijani
    provocations, the deeper is resonance in the own society. Besides,
    influence on the clan of the Aliyev from inside will be greater and
    hence, peace will last longer at the contact line.

    `Our servicemen control the situation on the border,' he stressed
    adding high moral-fighting spirit of residents living in villages
    along the border.
