Book on Armenian Genocide published in Krasnodar
11:56 - 16.06.12
The Armenian translation of Sword in War, a historical novel by the
French-Armenian writer Vahe Kacha, has been published in the Russian
city of Krasnodar.
According to the Russian-Armenian newspaper Yerkramas, the book
printed by the publishing house Khachkar (cross-stone), tells about
Armenian Genocide and the Turkish occupation of Western Armenia.
The author provides an objective characteristics of the tragic events,
beginning his recount with the late 19th century massacres and ending
it with the 1915-1922 killings of 1.5 million Armenians on the
territory of Ottoman Empire. His characters are ordinary people who
turn into innocent martyrs within a fraction of a second.
11:56 - 16.06.12
The Armenian translation of Sword in War, a historical novel by the
French-Armenian writer Vahe Kacha, has been published in the Russian
city of Krasnodar.
According to the Russian-Armenian newspaper Yerkramas, the book
printed by the publishing house Khachkar (cross-stone), tells about
Armenian Genocide and the Turkish occupation of Western Armenia.
The author provides an objective characteristics of the tragic events,
beginning his recount with the late 19th century massacres and ending
it with the 1915-1922 killings of 1.5 million Armenians on the
territory of Ottoman Empire. His characters are ordinary people who
turn into innocent martyrs within a fraction of a second.